Page 24 - Banking Finance June 2023
P. 24


          the same pedestal as other tax issues,  This is part of an interim plan for Fiscal  tered unit is a 'distinct person'. A trans-
          where both, the Indian Revenue Au-  Year 2023-24, circulated among offi-  action between distinct persons even
          thorities (IRA) as well as taxpayers, can  cials. The document, has set the dead-  without consideration is termed as a
          approach a HC after a decision by the  line for demand verification. Accord-  supply and is taxable.
          ITAT.                             ingly, checking of all demand PAN-wise
                                                                               When the services of employees de-
          As is the trend with many tax disputes,  and year-wise from systems, AST/TMS  ployed in a registered place of business
          this is likely to increase the timeframe  (software for return processing) or  are provided to another registered
          to resolve TP disputes and result in  manual demand, wherever remaining  premises of the company, it is treated
          more litigation, as typically the tax-  and  removal of all duplicate entries  as a supply and is subject to  GST at
          payer or IRA is  likely to file appeals  need to be completed by June 30. The
          against unfavorable ITAT orders before  same timeline will be for verification
                                                                               This concurs with advance rulings given
          the HC.                           and certification in CPC Financial Ac-
                                                                               in the past, including a ruling given by
                                            counting System (FAS) where notice
          On appeal, there is also likelihood of
                                                                               the Karnataka bench of the Appellate
                                            has been issued till March 31, 2023.
          HCs remanding such matters to the
                                                                               Authority for Advance Rulings in the
          ITAT for adjudication, instead of pass-
                                                                               case of Columbia Asia Hospitals.
          ing a speaking order on merits.   No input tax credit: Intra-
          To give a background, in August 2018,
                                            co services GST a pain             Tribunal cannot  overrule
          in what is widely viewed as a landmark
                                            A recent advance ruling given by the  state government's orders
          case, the Karnataka HC had put forth
                                            Tamil  Nadu  bench  in  the  case  of
          significant principles relating to admis-                            Can  a  tribunal  overrule  a  state
                                            Profisolutions, a private company, re-
          sibility of appeals concerning TP issues                             government's order, such as the need
                                            affirms that GST is applicable on ser-
          by the HC.                                                           to get the forest department's clear-
                                            vices provided intra-company. In this
                                                                               ance for a project? No, says Justice M
          The HC had held that ITAT is the final
                                            case,  the branch  office in Chennai
                                                                               Nagaprasanna of the High Court of
          fact finding authority and, therefore,
                                            (Tamil Nadu) provided support services
                                                                               Karnataka, Bengaluru,  in a case be-
          questions such as appropriateness of
                                            like engineering services, design ser-
                                                                               tween the Principal Conservator of
          qualitative and quantitative filters for
                                            vices and accounting services to its  Forests, Karnataka,  and Wind World
          identifying comparable and accep-
                                            head office in Bangalore,  which was  India Pvt Ltd, an insolvent wind turbine
          tance/rejection of comparable should
                                            registered in Karnataka under the GST  manufacturer.
          not be reviewed by the HC.
                                                                               Wind World India had been operating
          Following this ruling, the Karnataka HC
                                            For GST to be triggered, there must be  a wind farm on a 222-ha forestland
          as well as some other HCs dismissed a
                                            a  'supply' of goods or services. The
          plethora of TP appeals on the grounds                                leased to it by the Karnataka Renew-
                                            moot question before the Authority for
          that substantial question of law did not                             able Energy Development Corporation
                                            Advance Ruling (AAR) was whether
          arise in those cases.                                                Ltd. The 15-year lease expired in June
                                            provision of services by a branch office
                                                                               2018. In January 2020, the company
                                            in one state to its head office in an-  applied  for a licence renewal, which
          Take immediate action on
                                            other state, through employees who
                                                                               was granted subject to the condition
          outstanding demand, re-           are common to the company, consti-
                                                                               that the company would secure the
                                            tutes a 'supply' of services.
          fund approval: Tax Dept                                              forest department's clearance.
                                            A physical presence of a unit, such as
          In order to facilitate compliance by                                 When the state government noticed in
          assessees, the Income Tax Department  the head office or branch offices, ne-  May 2022 that the company was op-
          has instructed its officers to take im-  cessitates a GST registration. In other  erating its wind turbines without for-
          mediate action on outstanding de-  words, the registrations are state-spe-  est clearances, it ordered suspension of
          mand and refund approval.         cific. The AAR held that each regis-  the operations.
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