Page 28 - Banking Finance June 2023
P. 28


             Notably, the exports of mobile phones have also reached  is possible when domestic industries are given more and due
             a remarkable milestone of 11 billion USD (about Rs 90  importance. Another reason  is that India is primarily a
             thousand crores) this year.                      labour intensive workforce owing to the population, and
                                                              that the government could focus on capital influx for growth.
          3.  India is attracting the attention of the global electronics
             manufacturing ecosystem,  positioning itself as a
                                                              But the capital intensive growth can generate returns only
             prominent player in the field. The country is rapidly
                                                              after a long time, a duration that foreign funding can afford.
             emerging as a major hub for electronics manufacturing,
                                                              So instead, the government shifting its focus to boost short
             capitalizing on the opportunities presented by the
                                                              term, under a year result driven industries, can potentially
                                                              balance the trade into and out of the country. The local
          4.  The PLI scheme can also bring back old designs and  production will lead to lower costing products for Indian
             product customs  that can contribute heavily to the
                                                              consumers. The global electronics manufacturing ecosystem
             diversity, while also empowering forgotten artistry
                                                              is coming to India, and it is emerging as a major electronics
             buried due to colonialism.
                                                              manufacturing country.
          5.  The framework of the PLI scheme is to reward increased
             production.                                      Phases of PLI Scheme
          6.  Due to the niche and specificity of PLI linked sectors, First Phase
             that mostly involve careful and attentive focus on man  The first phase of the initial PLI scheme covered  three
             force and creating, PLI can enhance building systems  sectors, namely, mobile phones, pharmaceuticals, and
             to adjust to climate change and even essentially reverse  medical devices. Later, in November 2020, the government
             it in the many years to come.                    announced inclusion of ten additional sectors (totaling to 13
                                                              sectors) mentioned below:
          7.  The telecom and mobile phone PLIshave brought in
                                                              1.  Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) Battery: The scheme
             investments of more than Rs. 3,600 crores and created
                                                                 aims to  encourage domestic manufacturing of ACC
             lot of jobs over the past two years.
                                                                 batteries, which are used in electric vehicles, grid
                                                                 storage, and other applications.
                                                              2.  Electronic/Technology Products: The scheme aims to
          The objective of the PLI 2.0 scheme is to make India a global
                                                                 promote domestic manufacturing of electronic and
          manufacturing hub for identified sectors.The scheme aims
                                                                 technology products, such as laptops, tablets, servers,
          to increase production, create jobs, and reduce imports. The
                                                                 and routers.
          PLI scheme is essential in the country for many reasons. The
          prime necessity, is to neutralize the amount of imports and  3.  Automobiles and Auto Components: The scheme aims
          exports in the country in a non-discriminatory manner. This  to promote domestic manufacturing of automobiles and
                                                                 auto components, such as electronic power steering
                                                                 systems, sensors, and electric vehicle components.
                                                              4.  Pharmaceuticals:  The  scheme  aims  to  promote
                                                                 domestic manufacturing of key starting materials
                                                                 (KSMs), drug intermediates, and active pharmaceutical
                                                                 ingredients (APIs).
                                                              5.  Telecom and Networking Products: The scheme aims
                                                                 to promote domestic manufacturing of telecom and
                                                                 networking products, such as optical fibers,  4G/5G
                                                                 equipment, and routers.

                                                              6.  Textiles  Products: The  scheme  aims to  promote
                                                                 domestic manufacturing of  man-made fibers and
                                                                 technical textiles.
                                                              7.  Food Products: The scheme aims to promote domestic

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