Page 28 - Risk Management in current scenario
P. 28

Importance of Enterprise Risk

             Management in Life Insurance


           T     his Paper describes the landscape of Enterprise Risk Management

                 (ERM) in the countries where Solvency-Il framework is applicable
                 in the developed market and where the Indian Insurance Market
           is currently placed in this regard. The paper further describes the future
           of ERM in India and what could be the success factors in its

           Why Risk Management is required
           Risk is present everywhere in all walks of life; this is particularly more
           true in the life insurance business which deals in the management of risk
           of its policyholder against his/her early death, living longer than
           anticipated( longevity risk) or movement of interest rates adversely than
           required to be meet his (policyholder's) fixed liability in future.

           In this process of managing the risks of policyholders, life companies
           themselves expose to these risks. These risks are priced in a form of a
           premium; however the adverse variability of actual experience of
           parameters such as mortality, lapses, interest rates etc used in the pricing
           could leads adverse risk for insurance companies.

           It is therefore important to manage these risks so that the losses due
           these adverse movements can be minimized. In some market' risk

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