Page 32 - Risk Management in current scenario
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company will have lower capital requirement as compare to poorly risk
           managed company. Therefore solvency-II provides incentive to invest in
           risk management.

           Risk based capital is calculated using value at risk (VaR) methodology. This
           is a statistical tool where VaR is calculated as maximum loss to the company
           in a given time frame and within certain level of probability. This time frame
           could be one day or one year or any other period as desired and probability
           level could be 99% or 99.5% any level required for the purpose.

           Solvency-Il is based on the three pillar approach
           X   Pillar-1: Quantitative requirement-Market risk, Credit Risk, Equities
               risk, Operational risk

           X   Pillar-2: Qualitative requirement Supervisory review' Risk
               Management' Own Risk and Solvency Assessment

           X   Pillar-3: Disclosure
           Pillar-1 and Pillar-II interacts, while Pillar-III interacts with both Pillar-1
           and Pilllar-2

           This is the position of solvency II applicable in European countries;

           On the other hand India is working on solvency I regime where capital is
           calculated based on formula approach. To initiate the risk management
           culture in the Indian insurance, regulator (IRDA) has made CRO position
           mandatory in every life insurance company.

                                                       Also the IRDA made it
                                                       mandatory to have
                                                       disclosure of financial
                                                       result on quarterly
                                                       basis on its website.
                                                       IRDA also asks to
                                                       calculate        life
                                                       companies risk based

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