Page 38 - Banking Finance December 2022
P. 38


          Towards this end, RBI has taken  certain initiatives. To  direct finance to small borrowers and also indirect finance
          elaborate, it has  scaled up the Centre for Financial Literacy  to SHGs, NBFC-MFIs and JLGs for on-lending. While financing
          (CFL) project by establishing 1,107 Centres for Financial  SHGs by banks and NBFCs, women could become owners of
          Literacy,  besides  helping  in  the  inclusion  of  financial  assets, have an increased say in decision making and lead
          education in the school curriculum. It is also planning to  dignified lives. In the coming days, the focus of lending
          strengthen the eco-system for digital financial services that  institutions would be on digital micro finance to broaden
          will support provision of the last mile access and expand the  their client outreach to reduce concentration risk.
          bouquet of financial products at affordable cost with ease
          of use. Similarly, to reduce operational and profit margin in  But  micro finance sector experiences certain concerns such
          micro lending, technology has a key role to play to reduce  as lack of due diligence in lending, over-indebtedness of the
          operational cost.                                   borrowers and forced recoveries. Hence, RBI came out with
                                                              a regulatory framework for NBFC-MFIs in 2011 for the first
          It is also observed that microfinance lenders, who are early  time which was revised subsequently.
          adopters of technology, are using customer data for various
          purposes including designing tailored financial products,  The present RBI regulatory framework covers eligibility
          automating  the  processes  for  customer  on-boarding,  criteria for micro finance loans, transparency in interest
          improving the credit monitoring process by getting early  charges, methods of recovery, measures to contain multiple
          warning signs of stress in loan portfolio and enabling digital  lending and over-indebtedness, minimum capital adequacy
          modes of loan and other payments. A few FinTechs are also  ratio, disclosure of interest etc. In addition, Small Industrial
          designing  apps  that  are  vernacular  and  aid customer  Development Bank of India (SIDBI) provides a hand holding
          interaction through voice and chat conversations, thereby  support to lending  institutions regarding credit scoring
          making them customer friendly, intuitive and easy to use.  methods,  predicting probability  of  default,  hosting  an
          But, the challenge before lenders is to make micro finance  ecosystem and, creating an infrastructure to reduce the
          activity more technology based, which calls for initial huge  turnaround time and provide customer-centric products with
          investment.                                         robust risk mitigation.

          Hence, many micro finance lenders have already started  Due  these  initiatives,  both  the  number  of    lending
          entering into partnership with FinTech firms for delivery of  institutions providing micro finance and amount of credit
          services and sourcing of customers on line. While the use of  have grown up considerably. But, during  the pandemic,
          technology is encouraged,  the  customer protection  is  growth in lending to SHGs, MFIs and JLGs for on-lending to
          another  challenge  for  lending  institutions. During  the  micro borrowers suffered, and, therefore, RBI initiated
          pandemic, there was loss of livelihoods and hardships, calling  further steps by announcing rescheduling of payments,
          for a push towards financial inclusion and micro credit for  conversion of interest accrued into another credit facility,
          vulnerable and disadvantaged sections of the society who  enhancement in working  capital  limit  etc. Fortunately,
          were worst affected. Hence, the major challenge before  during the post pandemic, there has been a good pick up in
          micro finance is  to take care of financial needs of poor  the economy.
          people and small enterprises by providing them adequate,
          timely and hassle free credit during post pandemic. The  In  the  coming  years,  there  will  be  enough  business
          other tasks before micro institutions include revamping of  opportunities for the micro finance sector. For this purpose,
          the risk management systems, improving the skills of the  there is a need to make micro finance more digital, promote
          field level staff and institution of an effective grievance  financial literacy, strengthen risk management systems, up-
          redressal system.                                   grade skills of the field level staff and install an effective
                                                              grievance redressal system. When lending institutions will
          Conclusion:                                         move in this direction, they shall remain more  friendly to
          Towards promotion of financial inclusion in the country,  the society at  large  and assist in stepping up inclusive
          banks and NBFCs assume an important role in providing  growth in the country.

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