Page 43 - Banking Finance December 2022
P. 43


          Biogas, a renewable fuel, constitutes mainly of methane  future. This trend has huge implications for energy security
          (60%), carbon dioxide (40%), and traces of hydrogen sulfide.  of the country. Government of India has set a target of
          It can be burned directly as a fuel or purified & upgraded  reduction in import dependence by 10% from 2015 to 2022.
          by removing carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulphide (H2S)
          and compressed to make Compressed Biogas (CBG). The  'SATAT'  (Sustainable  Alternative  Towards  Affordable
          CBG has methane  content  of more  than 90%, which is  Transportation) scheme on Compressed Biogas (CBG) was
          similar  to  the  commercially  available  natural  gas  in  launched by Hon'ble Minister, Petroleum & Natural Gas on
          composition and energy potential.                   1.10.2018. The scheme envisages to target production of
                                                              15 MMT (million tons) of CBG by 2023, from 5000 Plants.
          Compressed Biogas (CBG):                            Under SATAT scheme, entrepreneurs shall set up CBG plants,
                                                              produce & supply CBG to OMCs for sale as automotive &
          CBG or Compressed Biogas consists of mainly methane
                                                              industrial fuels. The initiative aims to produce compressed
          (more than 90%) and other gases like carbon dioxide (less
                                                              biogas  (CBG)  from  Waste  and  Bio-mass  sources  like
          than 4%), etc. CBG is produced by anaerobic digestion of
                                                              agricultural residue, cattle dung, sugarcane  press mud,
          biomass and waste sources like agricultural residue, cattle
                                                              Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and sewage treatment plant
          dung, sugarcane press mud, municipal solid waste, sewage
          treatment plant waste, etc. This Biogas can be purified to
          remove hydrogen sulphide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2),
                                                              PSU Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) is inviting Expression
          water vapor and when this purified biogas (methane content
                                                              of Interest (EoI) from potential entrepreneurs to set up CBG
          more than 90%) is compressed to maximum 250 bar and
                                                              plants under SATAT scheme, and supply CBG to OMCs for
          filled up in  cascades (group of high pressure cylindrical
                                                              sale as automotive & industrial fuel. The CBG Plant Owner
          vessels), it is called Compressed Bio Gas or CBG.
                                                              shall be responsible for planning, preparation, engineering
                                                              and execution  of the project, including storage of  raw
          Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of
                                                              material,  operation  and  maintenance  of  the  plant,
          India had permitted usage of bio-compressed natural gas
                                                              maintaining final product output quantity and quality and
          (bio- CNG) for motor vehicles as an alternate composition
                                                              managing the by-products & wastes from the plant as per
          of the compressed natural gas (CNG).
                                                              existing central / state norms."
          Compressed Biogas (CBG) produced from the CBG plant will
                                                              As a developing country, India requires more  energy to
          be retailed through the CBG dispensing unit set-up by the
                                                              progress as a nation and hence, it is important to meet the
          Oil Marketing Companies within the radius of 25 kms. CBG
                                                              growing energy demand in a responsible manner. SATAT, by
          supplied under SATAT scheme shall meet IS 16087:2016
                                                              producing  CBG  from wastes,  would not only meet the
                                                              growing energy demand in a responsible and eco-friendly
                                                              manner, but also contribute to India's commitment to GHG
          Sustainable Alternative Towards Affor-
                                                              emission reduction.
          dable Transportation (SATAT) Scheme:
                                                              It  will also help to bring down nation's dependency on
          'SATAT' scheme on Compressed Biogas (CBG) encourages
                                                              natural gas and crude oil imports and act as a buffer against
          entrepreneurs to set up CBG plants, produce & supply CBG
                                                              crude oil  and gas price  fluctuations. The decentralized
          to Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) for sale as automotive
                                                              system also provides a huge opportunity to supply CBG in
          & industrial fuels.
                                                              remote  locations where the affordability and access to
                                                              modern energy is still a major challenge. CBG produced can
          India is among the fastest growing economy in the world
                                                              be integrated with existing Gas networks such as city gas
          and its energy consumption is slated to increase rapidly.
                                                              distribution (CGD) networks to boost supplies to domestic
          India's dependence on fossil fuels for its energy needs has
                                                              and  retail  users  in  existing  and  upcoming  markets.
          two  major concerns i.e. a growing  import  bill and the
                                                              Integrating with existing Gas network would further ensure
          carbon emission. The country now imports close to 85 per
                                                              efficient distribution and optimised access to cleaner and
          cent of crude which roughly translates to 45% of primary
                                                              more affordable fuel.
          energy demand and this is only going to go up in the near
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