Page 41 - Banking Finance December 2022
P. 41
the employees are to be bridged with the personal be imbibed into TNA system and calls for a unique TNA
development goals of the employees. Otherwise there will system.
be room for growth, but there will be no room for
Need for a unique TNA system:
A motivated employee and a career aspirant can be skilled,
A simple issue that is persisting in PSBs is the lack of
reskilled, upskilled and groomed in order to match
career aspiration among employees and PSBs and there
organizations need as they are ready to align themselves
can be a training intervention that can fix the issue to
to their Job roles and organizations goals.
an extent, however no TNA model is able to measure the
needs of those three set of employees
An employee who is reluctant to participate or align
1. Employee without career aspiration and lacking
themselves to organization goals will give us a tough job as
required skillsets
they have taken their positions for many reasons we are not
2. Employees without career aspirations and with required transparent.
Todays TNA either makes its assessment inside glass rooms
3. Employees without career aspirations due to lack of skill
sets or with the help of machines and software programs. It
doesn't make the assessment by reaching its employee and
Employees with career aspiration and with skills and without asking straight forward questions like 1. This is your position?
skills will pronounce their specific training needs openly and And why do you think you are here? 2. How long have you
decided to stay here? 3. When are you planning to move
it can be captured easily. They can be upskilled and
groomed. forward? 4. What stops you from moving forward? 5. Can
we be of any help?
Employees without career aspirations, lacking skills, least
motivated and with no skills are a tough lot as they have Though these are not the standard questions that one has
the potential of thwarting all the organizations effort to to ask. The idea behind the questions are to emphasize on
achieve excellence. Employees without career aspirations a holistic humanistic approach towards assessing training
and with skills will not cause any visible damage to the bank's needs.
needs, but they have the potential of destroying themselves
and will be an invisible demotivating element preaching The same thing applies to capturing the lacking and lagging
complacency to the aspiring candidates. points in customer service from customers perspectives. A
customer has multiple touch points inside the banking
This will be one unique challenge to PSBs that private system and his experience varies in each touch point and
organizations will not face. How are we going to activate he will definitely have a genuine feedback that he withholds
the employees without career aspirations to align with the with himself. How are we going to capture it? There are
organization need for excellence? humpty customer satisfaction studies, but there is no study
to see what training can mend an employee customer
Also, no training needs assessment system has effectively relationship before it becomes a grievance.
attempted to capture and bring in the voice of the most
important stakeholders, the customers, into the TNA Today organizations are ready to deploy millions in rupees
process. Banking industry which dwells mostly on satisfied to deploy AI and Data analytics to capture training needs
customers had never turned its vision towards capturing the of the employees based on western models. Does it have a
assessments of customers. They are the receivers of our robust mechanism to reach its employees and customers
service. They are receivers of services from various other beneath their comfortable points and ask serious questions,
organizations. Who can be a better judge than them. understand them and then draft plans? If not, it is time to
have a serious introspection on how to assess training needs
This leads to the next challenge on how customers need can of PSBs workforce with models that are India specific.