Page 24 - Insurance Times August 2020
P. 24

limits for every product of each insurance segment  o  Past claim settlement experience shall be
                 along with corresponding retention limits in the    satisfactory and shall comply with any other
                 previous year.                                      requirement as IBRB mandates.
             o   The levels of retention ration on each insurance  Y  The order of preference to seek best terms shall be in
                 segment for the previous 3 financial years.     the following order.
             o   Premium income for last financial year and      o   Myanma Insurance
                 projected premium income for forthcoming        o   Any other reinsurer and foreign reinsurer's
                 financial year for each product of each insurance   branches (FRB) registered and licensed in
                 segment.                                            Myanmar.

             o   Details of proportional & non-proportional      o   Cross Border Reinsurer (CBR)
                 arrangements for each insurance segment
                                                              Y  Overall cession limits during financial year to CBR by the
                 including treaty capacity, retention limits, premium
                                                                 cedants transacting other than life insurance unless
                 income, event limits etc.
                                                                 exempted by IBRB shall be in following manner. Such
             o    Statement of reinsurance cost for projected year  limits shall not exceed unless prior approval from IBRB.
                 along with actual costs of reinsurance, ceded
                 premium on proportional & non-proportional    Rating of CBR by S&P and       Maximum overall
                 arrangements and estimated cost of current    equivalent rating agency        cession allowed
                 financial year.                               Greater than A+                      50%

             o   30 days after the end of financial year, insurer shall  Greater than BBB+ & upto,  40%
                 submit the following reports                  including A+

         Y   Operations of reinsurance business in previous financial  BBB & BBB+                   20%
                                                              Y  Every insurer & reinsurers shall cede compulsory
         Y   Provisioning methods & amounts for each kind of     maximum cession upto 10% on any insurance segment
             reserves duly signed by certifying actuary.         business to Myanma Insurance.  However, any refusal
         Y   For catastrophic risk protection, every Myanmar     by Myanma Insurance for such cession, the residual part
             insurers                                            of the risk may be insured with CBRs.
             o   Ensure adequate reinsurance arrangements     Y  Insurance Pool can be proposed by any insurers by
                 pertaining to catastrophic accumulations.       submitting a proposal to IBRB.  After examining various
             o   Insurance arrangements shall be based on        aspects like objective, capacity, limits of liability IBRB
                 modelling report for forthcoming financial year duly  may permit formation of domestic insurance pools.
                 approved by its Board of Directors or (CA, CFO and/  Formation of pools and selection of administrations shall
                 or CEO) and shall file with summary of catastrophe  be as per the instructions of IBRB.
                 modeling report along with the reinsurance   Y  Non-compliance may attract penal provisions in
                 programme.                                      accordance with Insurance Business Law and rules.

         Y   Cross Border Reinsurers (CBR) shall satisfy the following
             criteria.                                        Analysis
             o   It should be insurance or reinsurance entity in its
                                                              Burma was province of British run Indian state and has been
                 home country duly authorised by its home country  separated from India in 1937. India and Myanmar share
                 regulator to transact reinsurance business during  border of approx. 1600 Kilometers and maritime boundary
                 the immediate past three continuous years.
                                                              in Bay of Bengal.  Relations of both countries stood the test
             o   Shall have credit rating of at least BBB form  of time.
                 Standard & Poor or equivalent rating from an
                 international rating agency for immediate past  The guidelines reflect the guiding philosophies based on
                 three continuous years.                      Indian Reinsurance regulations 2018 issued by Insurance
             o   Should have adequate solvency margins as     Regulatory Development Authority of India (IRDAI).  IRDAI
                 stipulated by home country regulator.        in accordance with the provisions of Insurance Act 1938 &

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