Page 26 - Insurance Times August 2020
P. 26


         NEED MERCY

         OF INSURERS

         C        ockpit of the aviation industry is out of control.  Revolutionary Guards shot down Ukraine's Boeing 737-800

                                                              after its take off from Tehran Imam Khomeini International
                  Certainly the year 2020 has become a miserable
                                                              Airport. In February 2020, Pegasus Airlines' Boeing 737-800
                  year for airlines and epidemic dilemmas, travel
                  constraints, border blockages, quarantines or
         isolations brought an unforeseen termination to a decade  skidded of the airstrip while landing at Turkey's Istanbul-
                                                              SabihaGökçen International Airport. In May 2020, Pakistan's
         of happiness. The International Air Transport Association has  Airbus A320 crashed in a thickly inhabited residential area
         already sketched the grim picture and according to its report  of Karachi. Many people were killed and aircrafts were
         worldwide air companies expected to lose approximately 85  destroyed in all these ill-fated incidents.
         billion dollars in this year for a net loss margin of around 20
         percent. In addition, the report of the association predicts  Regrettably, in August 2020 the Air India Express Boeing
         revenues to fall from 838 billion dollars to 419 billion dollars,  737-800 became the victim of unlucky event. The aircraft
         passenger revenues will be about a third of 2019 level,  skidded off the table-top airstrip and went down thirty five
         passengers numbers will be nearly halve to 2.25 billion which  meters slop. Many people were killed and aircraft was
         would equate to an average net loss of 38 dollar per  gravely wrecked. Consequently, along with the public sector
         passenger. Thus financially 2020 will go down as the nastiest  insurance conglomerate headed by New India Insurance
         year in the history of aviation industry.            which reinsured the risk overseas, global reinsurers will have
                                                              to reimburse more than 90 per cent of the insured value of
         To rub salt in the wound, sequence of plane crashes brought  the star-crossed plane that was destroyed in the
         bad times and jerking moments for both the airline entities  catastrophe. Many insurance partakers sense that premiums
         and its insurers. In January 2020, Iranian Islamic   may get elevated in the next fiscal year due to increase in
                                                              the calamities. This is a grave concern for half-dead airline
                             About the author                 industry.

                      Shivanand Pandit                        Overview of Aviation insurance
                      Autonomous Finance and Tax Adviser      Sophisticated technical operations of an airplane and
                      Margao, Goa                             resulting risks have exposed the aviation industry to a chain

          26  The Insurance Times, August 2020
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