Page 34 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2022
P. 34


                             EMERGING TRENDS IN RISK



                       he complexity of today's business is a key  for e.g. Uber is using technology to disrupt the taxi
             T         contributor to heightened risk exposure for  market, Amazon uses technology effectively to disrupt

                       organizations. Higher complexity also means
                                                              traditional retailers. In the realm of risk management,
                                                              technology has dual emerging considerations.
                       the creation of new risks or mutation of
              existing risks leading to businesses not meeting their
                                                              One,  wherein  technology is  playing a  key role  in
              objectives. Organizations are increasingly re-defining
                                                              transforming firms  to move  from  compliance  to
              their risk management approach to keep pace with the
                                                              performance and adopting more effective and efficient
              change in the business environment and adapt to the
                                                              risk  management  practices.  Other  emerging
              surrounding complexities to maintain relevance and
                                                              consideration for risk managers, is to look at the rapidly
              demonstrate value. Organizations have started to look
                                                              changing technology landscape as a source of significant
              at risk management, not only through a 'Compliance'
                                                              risk to the organization's existing business model and
              lens, but also as a driver of value and to ensure survival
                                                              long-term survival.
              in a competitive business environment.
              The  two  key  things,  among  others,  successful #2: Convergence of risk oversight with
              companies do are managing risks proactively and
                                                              strategic planning
              adapting themselves quickly to the changing market
                                                              Organizations appear to be struggling to integrate their
              conditions. The payoffs of managing risks are bountiful
                                                              risk oversight with their strategy development and
              and companies are focused  on  risk management
                                                              execution. There needs to  be explicit focus on the
                                                              interrelationship of risk-taking, strategy development
                                                              and execution. Looking at the relationship of risk and
              In this article, I am outlining some of the emerging
                                                              return, organizations are extensively considering risk
              trends in risk management that will have an influence
                                                              management inputs for strategic planning. Emerging
              on business outcomes across industry segments in the
                                                              trends to this regard  are, boards embedding risk
              coming years.
                                                              oversight into the management compensation structure
                                                              and Chief Risk Officers (CROs) expected to validate the
              #1: Technology, a source of risk and an         assumptions underlying strategy and use this to advise
              enabler for effective risk management           the business on risk taking.
              Traditionally, the business  models were enabled
                                                              #3: Treasury as a strategic business
              through the use of technology.  Today, innovative
              technology drives new business models. Technology is
              increasingly becoming the source of business disruption  Proactively managing risks have led to changes in the

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