Page 31 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2022
P. 31




              OF CREDIT RISK


              AND HOW TO

              MITIGATE CREDIT


                      fter  two  years  of  a  Covid-19-induced  The mood of the Indian economy has shifted from
                      slowdown in the Indian economy, there was  optimism regarding FY 23 to extreme concern driven
                      a glimmer of hope in the last quarter of FY  by  this  volatility  and  uncertainty.  In  such  an
                      2022. Credit rating agencies reported fewer  environment, credit risk increases substantially, and it
              downgrades and observed improved credit quality.  is imperative to be cautious while granting credit to
              Meanwhile, Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24,  counterparties.
              2022, causing oil and commodity prices to skyrocket
              and disrupting supply chains again. Sanctions against  What is Credit Risk?
              Russia  have roiled the international banking and
                                                              Credit risk is the possibility that a lender might lose
              financial system, disrupting cash flows. The projected
                                                              money if a borrower fails to repay a loan or adhere to
              shortfall in wheat and edible oils and the potential
                                                              contractual obligations. In trade, credit risk refers to
              reduction in the flow of crude oil and gas from Russia
                                                              the odds that customers purchasing goods, products,
              has  impacted  the  global  economy.  In  India,  the
                                                              or services on credit may not pay their invoices. Credit
              Wholesale Price Index (WPI) rose to 14.6% in March
                                                              risks are calculated based on a borrower’s ability to
                                                              repay the amount lent to them or a buyer’s ability to
                                                              pay for the goods and services purchased.
                                 About the author             What is Credit Risk Management?
                                                              Credit risk management is the process of assessing and
                             Mohan Ramaswamy
                                                              evaluating credit risk  using the 5Cs—credit history,
                             Founder and CEO
                                                              capacity to  pay,  capital,  conditions  of  the  loan/
                                                              transaction,  and collateral offered. Determining the

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