Page 29 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2022
P. 29


              DATA IS THE NEW

              BUSINESS FUEL,

              BUT IT REQUIRES

              SOUND RISK


                  n 2006, mathematician Clive Humby coined the  article says, “To build and maintain trust, organizations
                  phrase “data is the new oil.” Since then, it’s taken  need to  demonstrate  that  they  are  responsible
                  off  like wildfire.  Today, data fuels business  stewards of their customers’ and employees’ data and
                  actions, customer experience,  new healthcare  that they are carrying out data gathering responsibly.”
              discoveries and  fundamentals in every conceivable
              industry.                                       As companies increasingly drill for new sources of data
                                                              and use it to fill data lakes that empower predictive
              I was thinking of the phrase recently when I read an  analytics, AI and other smart decision-making digital
              article in the Wall Street Journal written  by Marie  tools, they need to take a strategic approach to its safe,
              Leone of Deloitte Insights. The article focuses on the  ethical and effective use. Not only is data privacy and
              need to safely leverage the power of data. Just as oil  transparency becoming important in e-commerce, it’s
              has extreme value to the world at large, keeps our  also essential within business enterprises  and their
              homes  warm  and  keeps transportation  systems  ecosystems.
              running, actionable data keep businesses functional
                                                              Below are key considerations companies need to keep
              and fuels their growth  forward. Yet, as the Deloitte
                                                              in mind in order to reduce data risk and ensure the
                                                              safe, strategic and fair use of actionable information:
                                 About the author
                                                              Ensure transparency each step of the
                             Morgan Palmer
                             CTO of ETQ, helping customers
                             achieve success by attaining new  While  consumers  are  concerned  with  how their
                             levels of excellence
                                                              personal data is gathered and shared, business users

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