Page 26 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2022
P. 26


              potential impact of a cyber-attack and data breach and
              then work cross-functionally to address those risks.

              Businesses should consider adopting a comprehensive
              approach to cyber threats to continually assess their
              risk profiles, address vulnerabilities and proactively
              fortify cyber defenses.

              4. Cash Flow/Liquidity Risk
              The Risk:
              An event impairing an organization's cash flow or
              liquidity can leave the business unable to meet short-
              or intermediate-term obligations. Cash flow risk can be
              attributed to economic uncertainty and  financial 6. Millennials in the firing line
                                                              The Risk:
                                                              Within  this  challenging  economic  and  political
                                                              environment, the millennial generation is likely to be
                                                              the hit hard, with a prolonged economic downturn
              Industry  experts  recommend  that  companies
                                                              affecting earnings at the beginning or middle of their
              concerned about cash flow risk should seek to monitor
              and  maximize their cash positions. Organizations
              should also implement controlled cash management
                                                              This generation has already suffered the fallout from
              systems; either decrease or pause spending, instead
                                                              the global financial crisis and  austerity. Many  have
              focusing on cash inflow; diminish working capital; and
                                                              debts from university fees or have been  unable to
              attempt to improve their financial structures and
                                                              afford  independent  living.  The  pandemic  and
              funding options.
                                                              subsequent downturn could further exacerbate the
                                                              intergenerational divide.
              5.  Failure  to  Innovate/Meet
                                                              It is also possible that the frustration of millennials and
              Consumer needs
                                                              a distrust of governments could foster social unrest or
              The Risk:
                                                              politically motivated violence, leading to possible
              Whether using a ride-hailing app or asking a digital
                                                              property damage or other insurance impacts, the
              assistant to turn on the lights at home, consumers have
                                                              report warns.
              quickly  adopted  tech-empowered  solutions.
              Innovation, therefore, is a necessity if businesses are
              to remain relevant and competitive.
                                                              Government should come up with a sustainable plan
                                                              which should not only help young generation to live their
                                                              dreams but help to nurture the growth of a country. We
              Data and analytics  could  improve organizations'
                                                              need to come up with affordable solutions for personal
              understanding  of  consumer  needs  and  provide
                                                              protection. If the insurance industry doesn't help here, it
              perspective on how to shift their business model to
                                                              will lose out in the end.
              keep up with consumers' demands. Innovation found
              in smaller, incremental changes - such  as creating
                                                              7. Business Interruption
              operational efficiencies, finding new ways to serve
              customers or even creating new solutions to address  The Risk:
              more traditional risks - is equally as important as the  Man-made disruptions (such as acts of terrorism, civil
              headline-making transformative technologies.    unrest or cyber attacks) or natural disasters (such as

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