Page 21 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2022
P. 21


                 platforms  in  all areas and  has  increased the  communication technology risk management. AS per
                 demand for digital financial products.       the  draft  guidelines  the  Information  and
                                                              Communication Technology (ICT) principle states:
              In this background it needs to  be assessed whether
                                                              Banks should implement robust ICT governance that
              financial firms are prepared and equipped, to deal with
                                                              is consistent with  their risk  appetite and tolerance
              these changes they arise. In other words, are they
                                                              statement for operational risk and ensure that their ICT
                                                              fully supports and facilitates their operations.
              Requirement to Build Operational
                                                              ICT should be subject to proper risk identification,
              Resilience:                                     protection, detection, response and recover programs
              Every incident should be assessed from two angles that  that are regularly tested. This requires incorporating
                                                              appropriate situational awareness and  conveying
              is the strength as well as weaknesses. COVID 19 has
                                                              relevant information to users on a timely basis. The
              made it necessary to relook at operational resilience
                                                              proposed  updates  in  these  two  consultative
              standards and identify critical/important business
                                                              documents will enhance the clarity of the document,
              services, employees that support these important
                                                              guidance on  change  management  and  align  the
              business services, and ensure that they can  safely
                                                              principles with Operational Risk Framework.
              resume  their  duties.  In  view  of  the  prevailing
              circumstances  the  Basel  Committee  on  Banking
              Supervision  (BCBS)  in  August  2020  issued  a  Approach  to  Build  Operational
              consultative document on Principles for Operational
              Resilience seeking comments from organizations. The
                                                              Organizations  risk depends  on the nature, size and
              basis of this document is in the Principles of Sound
                                                              scope of its  business.  There  is no off the shelve
              Management of Operational Risk (PSMOR).
                                                              solution or a blanket approach to build Operational
              These two documents have been designed to work  Resilience.  Identifying  the  firm's  business  risk
              together and they draw upon existing guidance and  perspective  is  very important before starting  to
              current practices. The final guidelines are expected to  develop the approach for building resilience.
              be  issued  soon  and  will  serve  as  an  integrated  Identification  of  critical  functions:  Critical
              framework. BCBS in its document defines Operational  functions are services provided to external user
              Resilience as "the ability to deliver critical operations  and disruption could cause damage to consumer,
              through disruptions" The document brings about the  safety and soundness, integrity of the market or
              key features of broad areas:                       financial stability. For identification of risk it is very
                 Governance                                      important to go to the root cause of the incidents
                                                                 that have come to light. Thus, it is very important
                 Operational Risk Management
                                                                 that all incidents should be reported and escalated
                 Business Continuity Planning and Testing
                                                                 as per the velocity of the incident. The external
                 Mapping Interconnections and Interdependencies  events  that  is  incidents  reported  by  other
                                                                 organization and failed attempts also need to be
                 Third Party dependency Management
                                                                 considered to get the true picture and trend.
                 Incident Management:
                                                                 Incident reporting takes care of where we went
                 Resilient  Information  and  Communication      wrong in the past. In addition to this the present
                 Technology, including cyber security            controls need to be continuously assessed and if
                                                                 required, monitored through key Indicators. The
              PSMOR: BCBS has also proposed to update PSMOR in   nature  of  root  cause  range  from  change
              the areas of Operational Risk. The changes proposed  management, third party failure, software issue,
              in PSMOR are based on the review done for financial  hardware issue, human error, process control
              institutions in 2014. One of the highlights of the review  failure, capacity management and external factors.
              was a need for specific principle on Information and  To define the criticality the impact needs to  be

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