Page 16 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2022
P. 16


                     Potential causes of project failure may not     The detection of any event that potentially
                     always be the fault of the vendor, the firm     triggers a material-business-impact, or which
                     may also have gaps in operation readiness for   represents a risk-profile modification, must be
                     IT outsourcing, for example the firm may not    done  as-early-as-possible  and  could  be
                     have proper process  capabilities in place to   initiated by - key Risk Indicator breaches, new
                     support an external team and so assessing the   regulatory  requirement,  offshore  audit
                     organization readiness for outsourcing is an    finding, new product or project.
                     essential step to managing risks that originate
                                                              b) Risk Measurement:
                     with outsourcing activities.
                                                                     Once  risks  are  identified  then  it  can  be
                     The firm may need to outline the reason for     measured using impact and likelihood scale.
                     outsourcing that are justified, ensure how the
                                                              c) Risk Reporting:
                     outsourcing will fit the firm’s overall business
                                                                     This  helps to  enhance senior management
                     strategy,  set  goals  and  expectation,  set
                                                                     awareness of any lingering risks.
                     escalation  and  intervention  forum,
                     micromanage  the  capacity  needs  and   d) Risk Monitoring & Mitigation:
                     determine areas that the firm expects the       Monitoring  -  While  some  activities  or
                     vendor to bring value to.                       processes can be monitored on real-time or
                                                                     daily basis some may have to be monitored
              d) Strong Practice to Monitor Delivery:
                                                                     at less frequent intervals. This frequency
                     Risk  management  in  outsourcing  often
                                                                     should reflect the frequency of occurrences of
                     focuses heavily on the planning and contract
                                                                     operational-risk failures and severity of losses
                     stages.  But  proper  assessment  needs  to
                                                                     –  For  example  scope  governance  of  a
                     continue  throughout  outsourcing project
                                                                     requirement being developed will have to be
                     lifecycle. It can be achieved by setting forth
                                                                     monitored ones in a month and monitoring of
                     relevant performance metrics and KPIs.
                                                                     critical bugs is required daily.
              Organizational  Risk  Management                       Mitigation - This is the last but most important
                                                                     step in operational risk management. There
              Framework:                                             may not be one standardized way to mitigate
                                                                     operational risks. The guiding principle would
                                                                     be to know where the operational risk is
                                                                     coming  from  and accordingly  mitigation
                                                                     measures  can  be  used.  The  mitigation
                                                                     procedures should be well documented and
                                                                     should be reviewed from time to time. Some
                                                                     of the outsourcing operational risk mitigation
                                                                     measures can be – For example if the master
                                                                     code is erased during deployment then such
                                                                     losses  can  be mitigated by  ensuring that
                                                                     adequate back-ups are maintained, and tight
                                                                     approval protocols are established. Proper
                                                                     training and string internal audit procedures
                                                                     as well as proper monitoring will help mitigate
                                                                     operational risks that arise due to people
                                                                     related issues.

                                                              Stages  in  Developing  an  ORM
              Figure 1: ORM Framework
              a) Risk Identification:                         a)  Governance  &  Organization:  ORM  function

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