Page 20 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2022
P. 20


              BIS paper of June 2011 was published with a  heading  the organization if a new platform is launched for
              " Basel III: A global framework for more resilient banks  ease of functioning or to enhance the customer
              and  banking  systems"  The  reforms  focused  on  experience it is very important that  it is approved
              improving quality of regulatory capital , increasing the  by the appropriate committee and  put through
              level of capital , specifying minimum leverage ratio and  use test so that the transition is smooth.
              introducing the concept of liquidity coverage ratio
                                                                 Ransomware attack: Such attacks have brought
              (LCR) and Net stable funding ratio ( NSFR). The focus
                                                                 the biggest and the best of organization to  a
              here was on building financial resilience.
                                                                 standstill.  A  ransomware  attack  can  lock  a
                                                                 computer, encrypt important files and the attacker
              The supervisory role was also broadened with the
                                                                 seeks ransom for granting access to your system
              introduction of Supervisory Review and  Evaluation
                                                                 and files.
              Process (SREP). In the changed scenario non-financial
                                                                 Climate  change:  Climate  action  failure  and
              risk  also became important as the supervisors and
                                                                 extreme weather have been identified as the top
              regulators focused  on assessing the  risk culture,
                                                                 global risks. It is a growing concern for not only
              governance, and compliances. The supervisory stance
                                                                 governments but businesses too. The unchecked
              is stricter globally and financial institutions have been
                                                                 growth through businesses is one of the reasons
              fined  for noncompliance, Not  having a good risk
                                                                 for the extreme shift experienced in the climate.
              management systems and Governance  . The latest
                                                                 The transition has been far too slow than desired.
              being the case of Citigroup being fined in October 2020
                                                                 Climate action required bringing down the carbon
              for deficiencies in Risk Management and internal
                                                                 emission and temperature  to 1.5°C whereas
                                                                 globally  we  are  still  at  3°C.  In  the  given
                                                                 circumstances if governments and organizations
              Thus, it is important for every organization to take note
                                                                 decide to go for sudden transition it may have
              that,  the  pace  of  environmental  changes  and
                                                                 impact on certain  industries but the economic
              technological development is faster  than development
                                                                 damage would be less as the long-term impacts
              of risk management tools which  makes the task of
                                                                 can  be limited. However, the longer it takes to
              being   resilient more pertinent.
                                                                 move  to green  scenario  the  severity  or  the
              Current scenario in Financial sector:              impacts of incidents like the hurricane, storms,
                                                                 floods will continue to increase over time leading
              To keep pace with the technological changes, increased
                                                                 to economic damages as well.
              consumers demand for easy and instantaneous access
              to the services, shift to fintech (financial technology)  Thus, organizations will be faced  by either the
              has made it necessary to outsource activities and  transition risk or physical risk. The Pacific Gas
              increased  reliance  on  technology.  The  topmost  &Electric case is a first climate change bankruptcy
              Operational  risk  being  IT  Disruptions  and  Data  declared in 2019, where the company was held liable
              Management.                                        for non- adherence to the laid down standards ( as
                                                                 the fire was caused due to failure of a transmission
              Some of the major incidents which have             line for which standards were not adhered to). Dam
              had  a huge  impact  not just in financial         collapse in Brumadinho (Brazil), in 2019,  is one of
                                                                 the worst industrial accident as tons of toxic mining
              terms but non-financial:
                                                                 waste flowed out in the areas nearby (Normally
                 Banking information - technology (IT) failures like
                                                                 these mining dams are built of mining waste itself).
                 that of TSB Bank when it separated from Lloyds
                                                                 The company is facing charges of murder along with
                 Bank  and moved  on  to  a  new  platform.  The
                                                                 environmental charges as it failed to report warning
                 customers  were  unable  to  carry  online
                 transactions and wrong  balances  were being
                                                                 Current outbreak of the corona virus: The impact
                 reflected in  their accounts. Thus, organizations
                                                                 of COVID 19 has led to less in-person interaction
                 undergoing  the  process  of  mergers  and
                 acquisitions can face such a situation. Even within  which has increased the pace of the  shift to digital

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