Page 23 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2022
P. 23


              purpose,  roles and responsibility (individual as well as  challenges, understand the interconnectedness  and
              collective ) and skilling and upskilling at all levels (i.e  come up with collective solution. The recovery and
              Board, Senior Management and operating)         resolution may be required to be done across the sector
                                                              to address issues like complete lockdown. If required, a
              The approach adopted needs to be  continuously  new framework can be developed to bring the third
              reviewed to tackle disruptions and a routine needs to  party within the regulatory ambit.
              be  developed  to  address  resilience  of  critical  /
              important  business  services.  Transparency  in Conclusion:
              regulatory reporting and disclosure of threats to the  Operational  Resilience  extends  beyond business
              critical / important business services.         continuity planning as it includes man made threats
                                                              like cyber-attacks, third party failures, natural disasters,
              Regulator level:                                and  geopolitical  risks.  Resilience  needs  to  be
              The Regulator has an important role to play by setting  recognized as a separate risk and managed accordingly.
              standards, indicating best practices, and developing  It requires not only to build on capabilities but embed
              stress scenarios considering the common challenges  systems & behaviors so that the organization can carry
              faced across sectors and geographies. Mapping of sector  out its mission and implement its strategies in the face
              dependencies is required to reflect on the common  of any disruption.

                    Businesses troubled by huge confluence of risks
               No US business leader, risk manager, insurance broker, or underwriter would have anticipated having to handle
               a global pandemic (lasting two+ years), a supply chain crisis, a severe talent shortage, a war in Ukraine (and
               the geopolitical fallout), economic inflation, and an increasingly unstable global climate - ALL at the same
               time. When quizzed about whether he'd ever seen a global risk landscape like this before, Riskonnect CEO
               Jim Wetekamp (pictured) gave a tentative "yes and no". He used the example of the US subprime mortgage
               crisis from 2007-2010, which contributed to the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. This occurred around the
               same time as several major natural disasters, which triggered significant supply chain disruptions.
               "At any given moment, organizations - depending on what industry they're in - are always feeling impacts
               from multiple directions, and they're trying to juggle across preventative, corrective and  detective risk
               management. I don't think that's unique or new," said Wetekamp. "What is new, in our recent memory, is
               having a long-running risk event (a two+ year pandemic) at the same time as a major military environment
               (Russia's invasion of Ukraine).
               "The accumulation of correlating issues that have now had a  compound effect - it does make this risk
               landscape unique. I think COVID-19 is a big contributor to that, in terms of where it left us from a supply
               chain resiliency standpoint, from a talent shortage, from consumer and economic demand, from freedom
               of travel, in a lot of those things - and now add in uncertainty on inflation and geopolitical [tension] and this
               moment is definitely feeling a bit different."
               As the risk landscape has grown more complex, organizations have turned to technology, like Riskonnect's
               enterprise risk management (ERM) software, to better understand their risk profiles and bolster their risk
               management capabilities.
               "In  the past 12-18 months, more organizations are starting to use this technology because they value
               transparency of their risk information, and they need to integrate it into multiple functions in their business,"
               Wetekamp explained. "They need to understand their insurable risk landscape, along with their operational
               risk, their financial risk, and their compliance risk because they all have these overlapping factors.
               "If that process is going to be done recurringly - either quarterly, monthly, or even weekly - companies are
               looking at the risk environment right now and saying: 'I need to refresh this data that often in an environment
               where my employee turnover is 15-20%, my consumer demand is fluctuating, and my third-parties are at
               risk of natural disaster or inability to get to the supply chain.' If they want to see this data in as near to real-
               time as possible, they need to bring it into a common system to manage risk."

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