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Vol. XI No. 03 June 2015                                                                                                                                      Editorial

Editor-in-Chief                                       ISSN - 0973-4813

Ram Gopal Agarwala                 Editor
B.Com., L.L.B., F.C.A.

Editor Ram Gopal Agarwala, B.Com., L.L.B., F.C.A.                                                                                                                                     The increasing number of Ponzi scams in India signifies
                                                                                                                                                                                      the weakness of financial institutions in India who are
FAMD.rIs..CsIRo.oIcam.,ika.Pet.s(eGBhE.IJAMd.MgFi)ta.,I.or.CIrw.L.I,.a.,LMlP.MD.BAG.Br..s..C,J.RAso.Mamo. k.cF.Ce.(i.sCBa,hI.MtMAeA.).Bg,,.A. Ph.D        unable to reach out to the common man for
Shyam Agarwal                                                                                                                                                                         purchasing financial products.

M.Com.(BIM), A.C.A.R, eF.sI.iId.Ie.,nPt.GE.dJ.iMto.Cr.                                                                                                                                It is also due to the fact that the awareness among the
                                                                                                                                                                                      public/investors particularly in rural areas is too low.
Sub Editor           S. Chattoraj, Pune                                                                                                                                               They easily get lured by promises of high return and as
Shruti Sood       Dr. B. K. Jha, Sultanpur                                                                                                                                            a result of which these ponzi firms prosper at the cost
                                                                                                                                                                                      of poor investors. The regulators are also to blame as
B.Com.(Insurance), F.I.I.I.                                                                                                                                                           how could these firms garner thousands of crores
Resident Editor Registered Office                                                                                                                                                     without their knowledge. This also proves that our
Abhijit K. Chattora2j5, ,NBaavrianMausmhibGahi o/sPhuSntereet,                                                                                                                        legal system is so weak that we are unable to stop the
Dr. B. K. Jha, SultanKpuorlkata - 700 007, India                                                                                                                                      spread of these firms despite of so many regulators.
K. L. MadPhhookn,eN: e0w33D-2e2l6h9i 6035/ 3294 3723/ 4007 8428
Shaik Gulam AfFzaalxB: i9y1a-3B3a-n2i2,7S3a6u6d1i 2A/r4a0b0ia7 8429
B. K. Tuli, NewE-mWDaeeilblh:siiitnesu: rwawncwe.b@imbaimbaabzaaazar.acor.mcom
Registered Office
25, Baranashi GhoshCSutsreteotm, KeorlkHatealp- 7L0i0ne007, India

Phone : 0F3o3r-2n2o6n9re6c0e3ip5t/s3/a2n9y4o3th7e2r3q/ u4e0r0y7pl8e4a2s8e contact

Fax : 91-33-22E73-m6a6i1l                                                                                                                                   Finance Minister of India recently declared that he is
                                                                                                                                                                                      trying hard to cover 40% to 50% of Indian population
E-mail : info@saPshhoipnueb:l0ic3a3ti-o4n0s0.7c8o4m28, 40078429                                                                                                                       under Insurance - Life and Non-life both as existing
                                                                                                                                                                                      coverage is very low.
Website : wwFwa.xsa:sFhaipxu:b9l1ic-a3t3i-o2n2s7.c3o6m612/ 4007 8429


Customer Help LineMechanical Details                                                                                                                                                  Indian insurers be it life or non-life have to work in
For non receipts/Oanvyerostahllesrizqeue: r2y7.p5lexa2se1.5cocnmtasc.t                                                                                                                random in socialist way for the welfare of the
E-mail : nonreceipt@Prbinimt aarbeaaz:aa2r4.c.5omx 18.5 cms                                                                                                                           countrymen most of them are either illiterate or do
                                                                                                                                                                                      not understand the benefit of insurance.
Phone : 033-4007 83R7a8t/e2o2f1S8 u4b18s4cription
Fax : 91-33-2273 6612
                                   Amount You By Sur-

Mechanical Details                                    Pay Regd. prise
Oversall size : 27.5 x 21.5 cms.                                Post gift
Print areLSaIcTh:-e12m4e.5 x 18P1.e5Yreicoamdr s 400
                                                      400 700 ----

         LIT - 3 Ra3teYeoafrsSubsc1r2i0p0tion1000 1900 ----                                                                                                                           IRDAI should work hard to make aware Indian
                                                                                                                                                                                      population about the insurance benefits whereas it has
         LIT - 5  5 YeAarms ount200Y0ou 1B60y0Reg3d1.00SurpYriesse                                                                                                                    to watch the Insurers to be honest towards the
                                                                                                                                                                                      customers since they are supposed to be the trustee of
         Bulk Subscription         Pay Post                                                                                                                                     gift  their hard earned money.

Scheme LIT - 10 coPpieersio1dYear  4000 3200 Free Yes

LIT - 1LIT - 25 co1pieYsea1rYear 540100005007500 800Free --Y--es

LIT - 3           3 YearSs ing1l,e62C0opy1,3R0s0. 325,/-200                                                                                                                     ----
LIT - 5           5 Years 2,700 2,100 3,600                                                                                                                                     Yes

Bulk Subscription                                                                                                                                                                     New P.M. different schemes like Jiwan Jyoti Bima, P.M.
LIT - 10Allcothpeiepsa1ymYeenatr mu5s,t4b0e0 ma4d,e32b0y DDFrefaevouringYeLsIFE                                                                                                       Surakhsa Bima, Atal Pension Yojna etc. have to be
LIT - 25INcSoUpRieAsN1CEYTeOarDA1Y3p,5ay0a0ble10at,1K2ol5kata,FInredeia. Yes                                                                                                          widely taken care of by the Insurers life and non-life
                                                                                                                                                                                      both in time to come.
         Please do nSotinmgalkee aCnoypcyash`pa4y5m/-ent for journal/books to
IANlSl UthReAawpNneayCyshEpmaeelrTlsnnOotonDtmbrAeeuYprsertespspbaeoyennatsimbniblgaeledLafeIotFrEbKthyoIeNlDckSaaUDstahR,fpAaaINnvyCdomEiuearn.TitnOsg.DALYIFaEnd                    Prime Minister has launched 3 flagship schemes for
Please dTohneotcomnateknetsanoyf ctahsish pjoauyrmnaelntafreor cjoopuyrnriaglh/tbooofksLItFoE
any persINonSUrRepArNeCseEntTiOngDALYIFwEhoIsNeSpUerRmAisNsiConEisTnOeDceAsYsaraynfdor                                                                                                social security for all Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima
we shallrenportodbuectrioenspionnwsihbollee ofor rinthpeartc.aTshhepvaieywmsenetxsp.ressed by
The concotenntrtibsutoofrs othr irsevijeowuerrnsainl thairsejoucronpayl rdiognhot t noefceLsIsFarEily                                                                                 Yojna, PM Suraksha Bima Yojna, and Atal Pension Yojna
INSURAreNflCecEt tThOe DopAinYionwhoof sLeIFpEerINmSiUssRioAnNCisETnOecDeAsYsaaryndfothre
reproducjotiuornnailncawnhnoolteboerhienldpraerstp.oTnshieblevifeowr tsheemxp. rAellssdeisdpubtyes
contributsourbsjeocrt do not necessarily

reflect thPeubolipshineidobnyoSfuLshIiFl EKuImNaSr UAgRaArwNaClaE, T&OPDriAntYedabnydJtahneta                                                                                         which is getting very good response and initial few days
journal cParnintninogt bWe ohreklsd raetspo2n5s, ibBlearfaonratshheimG. AhollshdisSpturteeest,
subject tKoolKkaotlak-a7t0a0 j0u0r7is. diction only.                                                                                                                                  more than 7 crores people has registered under the
Published by Sushil Kumar Agarwala, & Printed by Janta

Printing Works at 25, Baranashi Ghosh Street,                                                                                                                                         scheme.    LIFE INSURANCE TODAY 3

Kolkata-700 007.

Life Insurance Today                                                                                                                                                                  June 2015                                                 3

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