Page 8 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
P. 8
Editorial 3 5 Last month, we have discussed
on the various facets of Risk
Implementation of enterprise risk management - 5 Management processes avail-
As the 2nd step to deal with the 2nd cohort able and applicable in Indian Life In-
issues of risk management applications in surance Sector. Now the Indian Life
Indian life insurance sector Insurance sector is coming of age and
- Anabil Bhattacharya in terms of the Risk Management
framework, so the life insurers now
A snap shot on micro insurance in India 16 need to focus on the next generation
- M. J. Senthil Kumar & Dr. P. Sundara Pandian issues as far as the implementation of
Risk Management concept and better
Learning & competency development in insurance techniques of Risk Management is
- Ram Awadh Singh 19
16 Risk is pervasive in the lives
Interview with Mr. Deepak Mittal 22 of poor and low-income
MD & CEO, Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance groups. Economic, social,
natural, and other factors distort
Assure Plus 24 household's risk management ca-
from Future Generali Life Insurance pability and their struggle to come
out of poverty. Faced with multi-
Swasthya Kavach- Wider (Family Health Insurance) plicity of risks, poor and weaker
sections are often forced to deplete
from Iffco Tokio Health Insurance 25 their financial, physical, social and
human assets just to cope with the
Comparison Chart for Savings Plans 26 contingencies. Micro insurance can
play a crucial role as a comprehen-
IRDAI Circular 27 sive tool to reduce poverty, in-
equality and vulnerability, particu-
Highlights of the 3 Schemes announced by the PM 29 larly where public social protection
measures are inadequate and un-
What constitutes the commission structure 32 evenly distributed.
applicable for life insurance companies
19 A learning management
Ulips are cheaper, yet not useful 33 strategy is key to an organi-
zations liability to deliver fo-
Statistics 36 cused and efficient Learning and
development plans in the insurance
LIC News 37 sector if looking forward and steps
are being taken too. We all learn in
Pvt. Life News 38 different ways, every business has
its own dedicated learning and
IRDA News 40 competency development.
Glossary & Poll 42
4 June 2015 Life Insurance Today
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