Page 13 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
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terrorism funding, and so forth, and to ensure that refers to the accumulation of net (after reinsurance)
customers are treated fairly. retentions within the same line of business on the same
insured. Here the risk arises, for example, from multiple
An underwriting infrastructure also needs to be in place to business units providing coverage for the same policyholder
allow for the meaningful capture of data on the risks plus participation in a reinsurance program from a
underwritten. This is necessary to monitor concentrations, policyholder's reinsurance captive. Procedures such as a
meet any regulatory reporting requirements and have the name and location clearance system are typical ways to
ability to manage the underwriting of individual accounts prevent such an unintended accumulation.
to remain within agreed limits on aggregate
concentrations. Clash is a similar concentration risk that occurs when one
or more business units insure more than one line of business
Concentration risk from insurance activities: The for the same policyholder who could be affected by the
same claim or incident. This could lead to a higher than
insurance and reinsurance mechanisms work most intended aggregate loss. Reasonable foreseeability and a
effectively when dealing with risks that are not correlated large dose of common sense, together with an effective
with one another. By this we mean that the likelihood of name clearance system and an agreed exposure limit are
a claim occurring is not impacted by the fact that another the keys for Underwriting and RM in managing these
claim has occurred. In cases where risks are correlated exposures.
with one another, the (re)insurer must be cognizant of
potential concentration risk. Exposure to systemic risk arises from both natural and man-
made catastrophic events. Monitoring and managing risk
Concentration risk arises in multiple forms and is the area accumulations requires detailed data (see below), models
where RM generally has the greatest involvement. and an underwriting infrastructure that spans all lines of
Concentration risk arises from systemic risks, stacking risk, business and all business units that write policies in
and clash risks. A particular form of systemic risk comes potentially exposed locations. Critical from a RM
from natural and man-made catastrophic exposure. perspective is the ability to monitor accumulations across
lines of business and locations and to intervene when
Systemic risk is the accumulation of losses triggered by a aggregate limit boundaries are breached.
single event or cause, affecting one or more industry
segments rather than a single risk. Asbestos is the classic Mitigation actions might include simply abstaining from
example of a systemic risk affecting multiple industries and additional underwriting commitments (or non-renewing
policyholders, lines of business and policy years. RM and existing commitments upon expiry) or purchasing additional
Underwriting need to ensure processes are in place to treaty or facultative reinsurance for peak exposures. The
identify similar potential risks and to monitor and critical element is having the infrastructure to identify
effectively control accumulations. A current risk with unintended accumulations across multiple business units
potential systemic impact is nanotechnology. and all lines of business.
Underwriting and RM need to determine the economic The concentration risk of natural catastrophes arises
risks, which lines of business might be exposed to loss (i.e., primarily from exposure to earthquakes, floods and
products liability, workers compensation), the likely windstorms. Property damage and business interruption
effectiveness of coverage restrictions in policy wordings, accumulations are typically modeled by using sophisticated
the probability of different economic risk outcomes and the commercial modeling tools (RMS, AIR, EQECAT, etc.).
aggregate limit to expose the enterprise. Systemic risk also includes additional lines of business, such
as workers compensation, employers liability, accident and
Stacking is another aspect of concentration risk. Stacking
I think it's entirely possible to have a career in fashion and raise a child. Stella McCartney is on her fourth child and remains both a
fashion icon and a great mom.
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