Page 18 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
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monitoring aggregate catastrophe accumulations and placing      We also provide an extensive guide to the implementation
facultative reinsurance than casualty exposures. RM and         issues faced by firms that implement enterprise risk
Underwriting need to ensure that adequate consideration is      management. There has been a dramatic change in the
given to stress scenarios intended to mirror the probabilities  role of risk management in corporations.
and correlations underlying the risk capital calculations,
especially as respects individual subsidiary legal entities.    Twenty years ago, risk management often denoted the
                                                                tasks associated with the purchase of insurance. Treasurers
Risks in the underwriting "cycle": Price levels in non-         also performed risk management tasks, but they focused
                                                                mostly on hedging interest rate and foreign exchange risks.
life insurance tend to move in multi-year cycles as the result
of varying levels of industry capital, economic outlook,        Over the last ten years, corporations have taken into
competition and similar considerations (refer Figure no. 1      account additional types of risk. In particular, they started
below). Theoretically, an actuarially correct price for each    to pay much attention to operational risk and reputation
account can be consistently determined based on desired         risk. Most recently, strategic risks have been added to the
ROE and anticipated loss trends. Actual prices, terms and       panoply of risks considered.
conditions will deviate from the actuarial price based on
marketplace conditions.                                         More and more, the risk management functions are
                                                                directed by a senior executive with the title of chief risk
                                                                officer (CRO) and the role of the board in monitoring risk
                                                                measures and setting limits for these measures has
                                                                increased at many corporations.

                           Figure no. 1                         A corporation that chooses to manage risks can do so in
                                                                two fundamentally different ways: it can manage one risk
Increased risk results from a failure to systematically         at a time, or it can manage all of its risks holistically. The
measure deviations from the actuarial price and to fully        latter approach is often called enterprise risk management
recognize such deviations in current financial results,         (ERM). In this article, we argue that firms that succeed at
particularly during times when marketplace pricing is less      ERM have a long-run competitive advantage over those
than the actuarial price. RM needs special attention that       that manage and monitor risks individually.
actual pricing, terms and conditions are monitored and that
loss reserves and current financial results reflect deviations  Our argument is that, by measuring and managing its risks
from actuarial pricing.                                         systematically and consistently and by aligning the
                                                                incentives of employees to optimize the tradeoff between
Risk capital is required for uncertainty in this measurement    risk and return, a firm increases sharply the odds that it
due to the increased risk of understated loss reserves and      will be able to achieve its strategic goals.
added volatility as a consequence. We explain how
enterprise risk management creates value for shareholders.      In the following, we first explain why ERM creates value
In contrast to the existing finance literature, we emphasize    for shareholders and gives firms a competitive advantage.
the organizational benefits of risk management. We show         We then describe how ERM should be implemented. First,
how a firm should choose its risk appetite and measure risk     we explain how a firm should choose its risk appetite.
when implementing enterprise risk management.                   Second, we show how it should measure risk.

                                                                Third, we discuss the mechanisms that allow the firm to
                                                                take and retain the risks that create value and lay off the
                                                                others. Though ERM is conceptually straightforward, its
                                                                implementation in practice is not. We therefore provide an
                                                                extensive guide to the most important difficulties that arise

    An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it.

14  June 2015                                                                         Life Insurance Today

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