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responsible for all insurance-related costs and losses,          license and assigning part of their capital to the
     but they also retain all profits. Under this model MFIs          licensee through a reinsurance treaty. The licensee is
     has full control over the micro insurance.                       incharge of designing the product, setting the prices
                                                                      as well as handling the losses and gains.
4. Provider-driven model:
     Under this model, the service provider and insurer are      Intermediaries of Micro Insurance:
     the same. Similar to the full-service model, the insurer
     is responsible for all operations, delivery, design, and    Micro- insurance business is done through the following
     service.                                                    intermediaries:
                                                                 4 Non-Government Organisations
5. The "franchise" model
     In this model, the professional insurer franchises their    4 Self-Help Groups

                                                                 4 Micro-Finance Institutions

Differences Between Conventional Insurance and Microinsurance

Particulars                 Conventional Insurance                     Micro Insurance
Target Group                                                           Targeted at low-income persons.
Intermediates               Targeted generally at wealthy or middle
Responsibilities of agent   class clients in emerging markets.         Often sold by licensed or unlicensed
Insurance Amount            Sold by licensed intermediaries.           Agents manage entire customer
Premium Mode                                                           relationship, sometimes collect the
Pricing Method              Agents and brokers are responsible for     premium also.
                            sales and services. Direct sales are also  Small sums insured.
Procedures and Controlling  common.                                    premium payments may be Frequent
                                                                       or irregular
Policy terms and condition  Large sums insured.                        Under Community or group policy pricing is
                                                                       based on national data and estimates or
Claim Procedures            Typically premium plans are regular        comparisons to risk rated schemes
                            annual, quarterly, monthly                 Follow limited procedure to minimize costs

                            Premium amount is based on individual      It is always contain Simple language, few to
                            risk rating like age and specific risk     no exclusions and contains general terms
                            assessment                                 appropriate to market
                                                                       Claims process for small sums insured
                            Required Screening requirements like       is simple.
                            "Know Your Customer", anti-money
                            laundering guidelines, medical
                            examination and other tests

                            It is a complex policy document. It
                            involves many exclusions and it usually
                            follows annual terms.

                            Claims process for large sums insured
                            may be quite difficult. It involves
                            Extensive verification of documentation

Conclusion                                                       and usually leads to deeper poverty. Micro-insurance
                                                                 provides opportunities for protection of the poor and
India is enjoying rapid growth and benefits from a young         their families against perils. The emerging opportunity of
population. But 70 percent of the population is still rural,     micro-insurance is not only to promote business perspective
often very poor, and handicapped by poor health and health       but also, social development and protection to the poor
services, and low literacy rates. Serious illness, accident and  people.
natural disaster threatens the very existence of poor people

                            Our job is to bring the dead facts to life.

18                          June 2015                                    Life Insurance Today

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