Page 25 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
P. 25
State of art For clients Above 5 points may be the basics of
Codes /standards To assist placing learning and competency develop-
Product definition Be realistic ment in insurance.
Documentation Assess cost against advantages
Test methods Locate key points Competency moping is an important
Risk Control Use training plus trials and essential exercise, every well
There is no one size fits when it comes managed firm should have well de-
Purchasing to learning and competency develop- fined roles and list of competencies
ment in insurance. required to perform each role effec-
Specification tively.
Control Area of implementation
Ware housing The competency frame work serves as
Production 1-Recruitment and selection the bed rock for all position. HR pro-
As design plus 2-Training development cesses like talent induction, Manage-
Quality control 3-Performance management ment development, appraisal ,training
Manufacturing and other tolerance 4-Career planning yield much better results in insurance
Critical areas 5-Succession planning
Key dependencies plus any substitution 6-Recognition Where ever all the functions of insur-
7-Replacement planning ance every essentials can be improved
Marketing in any insurance organizations at each
1-Development and every level learning and compe-
Market position strength weakness 2-Progression tency development implementation
Advertising and promotion 3-Job Planning and fit can yield better results.
Sales and distribution 4-Individual or organizational develop-
Packaging ment References
Leveling 5-Performance management and im-
Warning provement References has been taken
Instructions from various sources. It has
Guarantees not been listed here due to
Maintenance /service space constraint.
Complaint handling
Legal and others
Situation, preparedness
International variation
Underwriting risk evaluation
In communications, familiarity breeds apathy.
Life Insurance Today June 2015 21
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