Page 28 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
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Assure Plus

from Future Generali Life Insurance

4 The plan offers multiple term options to suit your needs.     Where Death Sum Assured is higher of:
    Based on your financial goals, you have the flexibility of
    paying for a limited period and staying invested for a      4 Sum Assured, or
    longer period to reap higher benefits.
                                                                4 10 times the annualized premium if age of the Life
4 Get the potential upside on your investments through              Assured is less than 45 years or 7 times the annualized
    compounded reversionary bonuses throughout the                  premium if age of the Life Assured is greater than or
    Policy Term.                                                    equal to 45 years

4 The policy offers you a life insurance cover that gives       Eligibility
    your family a lump sum amount as well as the vested
    bonuses and terminal bonus (if any) in the policy.          Age at Entry         : 3 to 55 years

Benefits                                                        Age at Maturity      : 18 to 70 years

Maturity Benefit:                                               Policy Term          : 15/20/25 years

In case the Life Assured survives till the end of the Policy    Minimum Premium      : 12,000/- per annum
Term, provided all due premiums have been paid, the Sum
Assured plus accrued bonus and Terminal Bonus, (if any) will    Minimum Sum Assured  : 1 Lakh
be payable. The policy terminates on the payment of
Maturity Benefit.                                               Maximum Sum Assured  : 5 Crore

Death Benefit:                                                  Premium Payment Term(PPT) :
                                                                PPT: 7/ 10/ 12 for 15 years Policy Term
In case of an unfortunate demise of the Life Assured during     PPT: 10/ 12/ 15/ 17 for a 20 year Policy Term
the Policy Term, provided all due premiums have been paid       PPT: 12/ 15/ 17/ 20 for a 25 year Policy Term
till the date of death, the benefit payable to the nominee
is the higher of:                                               Exclusion
1. Death Sum Assured plus vested bonus plus Terminal
                                                                Suicide Exclusion: If the life assured commits suicide within
    Bonus, if any.                                              one year from the policy commencement date, the policy
                                                                will be void and only 80% of the premiums paid will be
2. 105% of total premiums paid (excluding service tax,          payable as death benefit. If the life assured commits suicide
    extra premiums, if any).                                    within one year from the revival date of the policy, if revived,
                                                                the higher of, 80% of the premiums paid till the date of death
                                                                and surrender value, will be payable as death benefit.

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24  June 2015                                                                        Life Insurance Today

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