Page 26 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
P. 26




 Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance

    FDI has been hiked in Insurance in the What do you think of RBI's decision to allow

    recent Insurance Ordinance. What impact Banks to act as Insurance Brokers"

    you visualize in the insurance industry.                    There have been significant developments in opening
                                                                up of bancassurance in India especially the new
    Three key changes - economic growth, FDI                    corporate agency draft regulations while we await
    liberalization and opening up of distribution               the final regulations, we believe opening up of
    architecture together could have a significant positive     bancassurance will be a big development for the
    impact on the future of the Insurance industry in India.    industry and will help increase necessary penetration
                                                                of insurance in India.
    The much awaited increase in the foreign capital limit
    has sent a strong message of the political will to follow

    through on the reform process and it also makes it          Innovation is key for success in competitive
    easier for the insurance companies to access capital        market. How far you believe the concept is
    for their expansion plan. Rs. 30,000 crores of inflows      relevant in Insurance Products and your
    is expected to be infused into the industry over the        efforts in this regards.
    next 12 months and this does not include new ventures

    which may get announce post the increased foreign           We were one of the first companies to launch a true

    shareholding limit.                                         income replacement (with lump sum benefit) product

    This capital will help insurers to invest in building more  in 2011. Recently we launched MyLife+ which provides

    distribution infrastructure

    “and also in upgrading their Three key changes - economic growth, FDI liberalization and  “
                                 opening up of distribution architecture together could have a
    technology architecture.
    These investments will go a     significant positive impact on the future of the Insurance
    long way in helping                                              industry in India.
    increasing penetration levels

    of insurance from the                                       cover of up to 80 years and provides choice between
    current 3.2% to 5% by 2020. This will translate into        lump sum benefits and regular payouts .post its launch
    savings being efficiently directed towards long term        the product has been well received so far. Criticare+
    investments like infrastructure and government debt         is the other product that we recently launched which
    as well as providing enhanced financial security to the     is the first critical illness plan that covers 17 illnesses
    insurable population of the country.

22                                     June 2015                Life Insurance Today

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