Page 29 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
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Swasthya Kavach- Wider
                                         (Family Health Insurance)

                                         from Iffco Tokio Health Insurance

Eligibility                                                   Local ambulance services upto Rs 1500

Entry Age (years)          18                                 General Health Check-up covered upto 1% of sum insured
                           60                                                                 payable once after 4
Minimum                                                                                       consecutive claim free years
Maximum                    80
Maximum Policy             Family floater                     Sub-limit on cover for     Not applicable
Renewal Age (years)        1                                  certain illnesses such as
Coverage Type                                                 cataract, hernia, knee
Policy Term (years)        5 lakh                             joint etc.
                           2 lakh
Sum Insured (Rs)           5% of Sum Insured for each         Additional benefits
                           claim free till it reaches 50% of  (requires payment of
Maximum                    sum insured with 'Wider Plan'      extra premium)
Minimum                    only
No Claim Bonus                                                Critical Illness Benefit   available on payment of extra
                                                                                         premium. Covers 10 critical

                                                              Emergency Assistance       provides medical consultation,

                                                                                         services        emergency

                                                                                         medical evacuation, care for

Scope of Cover                                                                           minor children etc in case of


Cashless facility          available if taken in a network    Exclusions and Waiting Period

Reimbursement facility available if treatment taken in        Pre-existing diseases      covered after 4 continuous
                                non-network hospital                                     policy renewal

Pre hospitalisation        covers expenses upto 30 days       No claim period            30 days commencing from issue
expenses                   prior to admission to hospital                                date of the policy

Post hospitalisation       covers expenses upto 60 days       Waiting period             covered since inception date of
expenses                   after discharge from hospital                                 the policy.1 year for any type of
                                                                                         Carcinoma /Sarcoma /Blood
Inpatient Hospitalisation                                                                Cancer etc.2 years for cataract,
                                                                                         hernia, piles, sinusitis etc.
Room expense and           covered upto 1.5%(2.5% for ICU
boarding                   expense) of sum insured per day    Other exclusions           naturopathy or other non-
                                                                                         allopathic treatments Out
Day Care Procedures        121 such procedures are                                       patient treatment, AIDS or
                           covered                                                       related conditions

Hospital Daily Allowance Rs 250 per day

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