Page 30 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
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Insurance Training Centre © Call 09883398055 / 09883380339                                                                        Comparison Chart for Savings Plans

                                                                                  Company Name Product name Mode of               Premium      Plan Payout                 Death Benefits                             Maturity Benefit                   Premium Paid
                                                                                                                                  Paying Term

                                                                                  Bajaj Allianz  Future Gain     Yearly, Half 5 to 30          Year 20 Payout Higher of Sum Assured                                   Fund Value is paid in lumpsum at 51000
                                                                                                                 Yearly, Quarterly             Rs 21,46,388 Regular premium fund value 105% of                        maturity
                                                                                                                 & Monthly
                                                                                                                                                                  the total premiums paid

                                                                                  Aeogan         i- Maximise     Yearly & Monthly 5, 7, 10, 15 and Year 25 Payout          Higher of Sum Assured Fund Value           Fund Value is paid in lumpsum at   34000
                                                                                  Religare       Plan                               same as policy Rs 21,34,322
                                                                                                                                    term                                   105% of all premiums paid OR Higher of maturity

                                                                                                                                                                           Sum Assured 105% of all premiums

                                                                                                                                                                           paid All future outstanding premiums will

                                                                                                                                                                           waived off and the policy also continues.

                                                                                  HDFC Life      Click 2 Invest  Single, Yearly,  5 to 20      Year 20 Payout Highest of Sum Assured Fund Value                       Fund Value is paid in lumpsum      52000
                                                                                                                 Half Yearly,                  Rs 21,10,909 105% of annualized premiums paid                          at maturity
                                                            June 2015                                            Quarterly &

                                                                                  Future Generali Wealth protect Yearly, Half Yearly Same as policy Year 25 Payout Highest of Fund Value Sum Assured                  Fund Value is paid in lumpsum      25000
                                                                                                    Gold term Rs 14,99,639 105% of the total premiums paid                                                            at maturity

                                                                                  Edelwessis     Wealth          Yearly, Half Yearly, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, Year 25 Payout     Highest of Fund Value Sum Assured          Fund Value is aid in lumpsum       35000
                                                                                  Tokio          Accumulation                                                              105% of total premiums paid                at maturity
                                                                                                                 Quarterly & 25 and 30         Rs 20,60,978


                                                                                  ICICI Prudential Saving Suraksha Yearly, Half Yearly 5, 7, 10, 12 yrs or Year 30 Payout  Higher of Sum Assured plus accrued         Guaranteed Maturity Benefit        40000
                                                                                                                                                                           Guaranteed Additions and Bonuses           (GMB), accrued Guaranteed
                                                                                                                 & Monthly        same as policy Rs 31,47,684              Guaranteed Maturity Benefits plus          Additions (5% of GMB per yr for                  Product Comparison
                                                                                                                                                                           accrued Guaranteed Additions and           first 5 yrs), vested reversionary
                                                                                                                                  term                                     Bonuses 105% of basic premiums paid        bonuses (if any) & terminal bonus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (if any) is payable, at maturity.
                                                            Life Insurance Today
                                                                                  The figures mentioned are indicative . Please consult the insurer before purchasing the policy.
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