Page 35 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
P. 35
20 50 100 150 198 248 first 45 days from the entry date, except for cases of
25 76 151 226 301 376 death due to accident.
30 116 231 347 462 577
35 181 362 543 722 902 Termination of assurance:
40 291 582 873 1164 1454
Account holder attains age of 55 years
Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
Closure of account with the Bank or insufficiency of
balance for debiting premium.
In case of multiple coverage under the scheme, the
cover will be restricted to Rs.2 lakhs and other
insurance covers are terminated and premium shall be
Terms & Conditions:
Customer should not be insured under Pradhan Mantri
Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana under any other Savings Bank
Account. In case the same is found to exist, premium shall
stand forfeited and no claims would be paid.
Highlights of the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti The cover shall commence from the 1st of the month,
Bima Yojana (PMJJBY - Scheme 2 - for Life subsequent to the date of enrollment in the scheme.
Insurance) are:
Customer will have to pay full annual premium even if he/
Eligibility: ICICI Bank Savings Bank (SB) Account holders she join the Scheme after the commencement of the
between 18 years (completed) and 50 years (age Group Policy.
nearer birthday) who have given the consent to join
the scheme / enable auto-debit, as per the modality, Policy shall not be issued if nominee details are not provided
will be enrolled into the scheme. in SMS / available in SB account. No separate intimation
shall be provided for the same.
Policy period: The cover shall be for one year period
starting from June 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016 for which The customer response received through their registered
option to join / pay by auto-debit from the designated mobile number shall be considered as their consent for
savings bank account on the prescribed forms will be auto-debit from their savings bank account. The Savings
required to be given by May 31, 2015, extendable up Account shall be debited on or before May 31, 2015.
to August 31, 2015. Those joining subsequently may be
able to do so with payment of full annual premium for The personal details, as required, regarding admission into
prospective cover, with submission of a self-certificate the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima scheme will be
of good health in a form acceptable to Us. shared with ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd.,
under Group Policy Number 000022773 certifying coverage
Premium: Rs. 330 (per annum). as per the Scheme, subject to correctness of information
provided regarding eligibility and receipt of consideration
Payment Mode: The premium will be directly auto- amount.
debited by the bank from the subscribers' savings bank
account. This is the only mode available currently. Any information provided by customer if found to be
untrue, the membership to the scheme shall be treated as
Risk Coverage: Sum Assured of Rs. 2 Lakh on death of cancelled from the date of joining the scheme and all
the Insured member for any reason is payable to the premium paid in respect thereof shall stand forfeited.
Nominee. No claim is admissible for deaths during the
Here in America we so are for family values, yet insurance companies do not cover all fertility procedures.
Life Insurance Today June 2015 31
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