Page 36 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
P. 36

What constitutes the
commission structure
applicable for life
insurance companies

O ne of the major changes in               Section 40B of the Insurance Act, 1938,       adopt for as of now. Hence, the
          insurance rules effected by the  restricts the expenses of insurers            immediate focus is commissions on non-
          Insurance Laws Amendment         according to the rules specified in           life plans. The caps on commissions in
          Ordinance is scrapping of        section 17D. The limits are decided           the case of non-life policies are leveled.
section 40A of the Insurance Act, 1938,    based on multiple factors such as age
that prescribes the caps on commissions    of insurer, its business in force and the     Staying within the overall limits on
that an agent can get while selling you    term of products sold. Section 40A            commissions as prescribed by the Act,
an insurance policy.                       came within this overall limit and made       product regulations in life insurance
                                           commissions front-loaded.                     pegged the quantum of the first-year
With the section scrapped and caps                                                       commission to the premium payment
gone, the Insurance Regulatory and         So, if an insurer is less than 10 years old,  term: longer the policy, more the
Development Authority of India (Irdai)     the first-year commission was capped          commission.
will have the power to prescribe fresh     at 40% of premium, at 7.5% in the
commission structures and change           second and the third year, and at 5%          So, in case the premium paying term of
commissions as required. But before we     thereafter. For older insurers, first-year    a policy is five years, the commissions
take a step ahead, let's take a step       commission was capped at 35%.                 are capped at 15%. As the premium
back and understand the rules                                                            paying term increases to 12 years and
applicable till now.                       The Step Ahead                                above, the commissions payable in the
                                                                                         first year increases up to 35% in case
Previous Structure                         In case of life insurance, it seems the       the company is at least 10 years old
                                           Authority is not in a hurry, because          and 40% in case the company is less
The expenses of life insurance             product regulations in life insurance         than 10 years old. The second- and the
companies, including commissions and       came into effect last year. This had          third-year commissions, however,
other operational and administrative       brought in cost caps for unit-linked          remain intact.
expenses, are capped under section         insurance plans (Ulips) in the form of
17D of the Insurance Rules, 1939. This     maximum reduction in yield to 2.25%           This is the commission structure that's
rule describes the limits on expenses      by the 15th year and thereafter. It had       currently applicable for life insurance
that life insurance companies may incur    also altered the commission structure         companies, although we are yet to hear
from the premium income for a              to some extent, and, therefore, the           of the new commission structure for
particular class of insurance products.    industry has a commission structure to        non-life policies. (Source : Mint)

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32                                         June 2015                                     Life Insurance Today

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