Page 38 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
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points out: "One important negative is        for a similar tenure and sum assured.     market conditions. "The product is
the lock-in period. In case of mutual         And online ones are even cheaper. For     sensitive to the Sensex. As a result,
funds, one can exit the scheme if it is       example: A 30-year-old paying a pre-      when markets are bad people discon-
a non-performer over a few quarters.          mium of Rs 12,000 annually for 10         tinue their renewals and redemptions
In this case, all the costs are front-        years will get a sum assured of Rs 1.2    also go up when markets rise. This is
loaded and one really does not know           lakh.                                     not the way an insurance product
when returns will be good. And once                                                     should be looked at."
a policy has been bought, one has to          In case he buys a term plan of Rs
stick around for years even if there is       11,463 annually for 10 years, the sum     Investment-cum-insurance
no performance."                              assured will be a whopping Rs 1.5         doesn't work
                                              crore. The difference: In case of Ulips,
From a tax perspective, there is no           he will get some return which can be      Financial planner Gaurav Mashruwala
difference as returns from equity mu-         Rs 1.7 lakh calculated at the rate of 8   says his main reason for not advising
tual funds are tax free after one year.       per cent. You will get back nothing as    Ulips is because of the discomfort in
In case of Ulips, there are two ways in       survival benefits, in case of a term      recommending two-in-one products.
which payouts are possible. In the case       plan.                                     More importantly, there is no way one
of death of the policyholder, the                                                       can compare Ulips' performance.
amount received by the nominees is            Wrong sales pitch                         While there are a number of third-
totally tax free in their hands. If the                                                 party agencies like Value Research,
policy matures, still there is no tax         When the market is doing well, agents     Morning Star and others who provide
under Section 10 (10D).                       push these products by showing imme-      daily NAVs and details of products, in
                                              diate historical performance of say,      case of Ulips there aren't such agen-
Not a pure insurance product either           one or two years. With the Sensex ris-    cies, which provide comprehensive
From a pure insurance product per-            ing by over 25 per cent the past year,    data. I
spective, it still fails the test. There are  the performance of many existing
enough term plans, which are cheaper          Ulips would have improved substan-        In the absence of such data, choosing
                                              tially. Anup Rau, CEO, Reliance Life      becomes more difficult. While insurers
                                                                                        do provide a lot of disclosures about
                                                               Insurance, says Ulips    their portfolios and net asset values
                                                               have caught the atten-   now, but reviewing a Ulip vis-à-vis an-
                                                               tion of people only be-  other is a very difficult process.
                                                               cause the markets have
                                                               been performing well.    Says Pandit: "My job is to de-clutter an
                                                               "There is a tendency to  investment portfolio. If I see that a Ulip
                                                               sell short tenure Ulips  is not performing as well as it should,
                                                               and that is detrimental  I would like to exit it. By in the pro-
                                                               to the customer be-      cess, I will also lose life insurance. So,
                                                               cause they would not     having such a complicated product in
                                                               get optimum returns,"    the portfolio is not the best idea.
                                                               he says.

                                              According to him, noth-                   Raising money through Ulips is also not
                                              ing much has changed                      a great idea. According to Irda guide-
                                              between 2010 when                         lines, the maximum amount that one
                                              policyholders started                     can be sanctioned against a Ulip is 40
                                              moving out of the prod-                   per cent of the net asset value in poli-
                                              uct and 2014 except                       cies which have more than 60 per cent

    Five thousand people every day lose their home because of a medical bankruptcy. Most of them had insurance.

34                                            June 2015                                 Life Insurance Today

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