Page 42 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
P. 42
Private Life Insurance
Companies News
Reliance Life unveils scheme - Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti in talks with certain public sector
“Reliance Health Total” Bima Yojana. banks to rope them in as
bancassurance partners.
'Reliance Health Total' which is a non- The memorandum of understanding
linked, non-participating and non- was signed by Kishore Sansi, Managing "If the open architecture proposed by
variable health insurance plan was Director and CEO of Vijaya Bank and IRDA were to come in some form or
launched by the Reliance Insurance Arijit Basu, Managing Director & CEO shape, then we would certainly see
company which will help to provide of SBI Life Insurance, in the presence more public sector banks partnering
additional cover for hospitalization of Executive Directors of Vijaya Bank with us for distributing our products,"
claim, over and above the existing KR Shenoy and B. S. Rama Rao, a he said.
medical plan," according to press release said.
Manoranjan Sahoo, chief agency Max Life had recently entered into a
officer, Reliance Life Insurance. Max Life gears with ULIPs five-year bancassurance tie-up with
sale online Lakshmi Vilas Bank for distribution of
Liberty Videocon launches the former's life insurance products
personal accident cover Max Life Insurance after the successful through the 400 branches of the
launch of online term plans has now private sector bank.
Liberty Videocon General Insurance taken the charge to sell ULIPs via the
Company Ltd, a joint venture between electronic mode. This private life SBI Life vows to provide
Videocon Industries and Liberty insurer expects the online market for education to cancer
Citystate Holdings Pte, has unit-linked insurance plans. affected kids
announced the launch of individual
personal accident product for the "We are starting off with a couple of SBI Life Insurance has partnered with
retail market. ULIP products, including a variant of a CanKids Kidscan to provide education
The policy aims to provide immediate pension product," V Viswanand, Senior to cancer affected childeren. Speaking
coverage on policy issuance and offers Director and Chief Operations Officer, on the occasion, Arijit Basu, MD &
protection against accidental death Max Life Insurance. CEO, SBI Life Insurance said, "SBI Life
and permanent total disablement on believes in empowering those who
account of an accident. Max Life Insurance issues 1,500-2,000 have the courage to fight against the
term policies on an average a month odds. Our initiatives reflect this and
SBI Life partners Vijaya through the online channel.The online we choose to partner with like minded
bank sales will be made keeping in mind the NGO's and Social Service Associates.
distance marketing guidelines issued Our association with CanKids KidsCan
Vijaya Bank has tied up with SBI Life by the IRDA in 2011. It has also been enables us to provide education
Insurance to launch the social security believed that Max Life Insurance was
As long as I am acting, I will do only Telugu films. I want to take Telugu films to the world. Everyone should talk about our films.
38 June 2015 Life Insurance Today
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