Page 46 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
P. 46

Glossary & Poll

Life Insurance Glossary                                                       Poll of the Month

Statutory presumption of death                                    Do you think leaving training on Insurance
The laws in most countries provide that in the event of a person          companies will dilute training ?
who has gone missing for a certain number of years a court
order can be made to declare the person as legally dead. This                 Yes No Can’t Say
is usually set as seven years. It has to be proved to the court
that he or she has not been heard of by anyone including those        Results of Poll in our May 2015 issue
who would naturally have heard if he or she had been alive.
                                                                  Do you think new corporate agency
Surrender value                                                       regulation will help to expand
The surrender or cash value is the amount payable to the                          the industry ?
policyholder should the policyholder decide to discontinue the
policy. However, the insurance protection provided under the      Yes- 100 %  No- 00 %            Can’t Say- 00 %
policy will also cease. Not all insurance policies have
surrender or cash values.                                         You may send your views to :
                                                                  Poll Contest
An endorsement or attachment to a life insurance policy that      Life Insurance Today.
provides additional term coverage for the amount specified. If
the insured dies during this time, the designated                 25, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata-7, India
beneficiary(ies) can receive death benefit proceeds..             Tel : 2218-4184, Fax : 033-22736612 SMS : 9830171022

Terminal Bonus                                                      Appearing in Licentiate Examination
This part of the surplus distributed is added only when the                     (As per New Syllabus)
policy becomes a claim in most cases by maturity or death. It
is usually expressed as a percentage of the reversionary          Presenting for the first time in India a reliable and
bonuses.                                                          tested coaching solution from the house of The
                                                                  Insurance Times, a renowned name in the field of
Third Party                                                       insurance education. After closely studying the needs
This is when a person or a company takes a policy on the life     of students appearing for the examinations of
on another.                                                       Insurance Institute of India our research team has
                                                                  prepared this excellent set of guide materials. This
Trust                                                             book will cover objective type questions and answers
This occurs when a person(s), known as settlor sets up an         as per current syllabus and shall include questions of
obligation, known as a trust for the benefit of person(s) known   last 10 previous terms (only objective questions)
as beneficiaries. Trustees are appointed to carry out the terms
of trust.                                                         Subjects :                      General Insurance
                                                                  Life Insurance                  0 1 Principles of Insurance
Utmost good faith                                                 0 1 Principles of Insurance     1 1 Practice of General Insurance
The principle of utmost good faith requires the applicant to      0 2 Practice of Life Assurance  1 4 Regulations on Insurance
disclose all material facts.                                      1 4 Regulations on Insurance

Vesting age                                                       Cost: `450 each book including delivery charges
This is the age when the rights under the policy vests with the
name individual.                                                          Licentiate Exam Mock Test

Violent, external and visible                                     Insurance Training Centre, wing of The Insurance
This is used, as a guideline to determine when death or           Times is pleased to announce the launch of online
disability is caused by an event deemed as an accident.           Mock Tests for Licentiate exams. Each course contains
Violence is usually present and this includes physical violence,  mock test for each chapter followed by a final Mock
person exerting themselves physically, carrying heavy weights     Test covering all the chapters. After completing this
or injury caused by drowning, suffocation by inhalation of gas    online you can assess your level of preparedness
or smoke. External is where the cuse us nit an internal injury    and if required you can brush up again in order to
and any cause which is external is visible.                       score good marks. `300/- each paper.

                                                                  Combo Offer : 3 Books plus Online Mock Test for 3
                                                                  papers worth `900/- total value `2250/- :

                                                                  Pay only `1200/-

42  June 2015                                                                                     Life Insurance Today

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