Page 44 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
P. 44

Insurance Regulatory And

Development Authority News

IRDAI penalizes Reliance               given a timeline of June 30, 2015 to      accidents, which makes insurance vi-
General for making pay-                submit board-approved policies on         tal. Today is just a beginning. We will
ments through third par-               agent recruitment. According to the       roll out a national campaign soon," he
ties.                                  new norms, the insurers can appoint       added.
                                       their agents on their own. They also
Insurance regulator IRDAI has im-      mandate insurers to formulate a           Lack of third-party insurance will not
posed Rs. 5 lakh penalty on Reliance   board approved policy outlining condi-    only lead to severe social security per-
General Insurance Company Ltd for      tions pertaining to agents' qualifica-    ils for victims but also losses to the in-
not making direct payments on health   tion, training, benefits, etc.            surers, he added. "Cyberabad has been
insurance claims to policyholders and                                            chosen as the first place for launch in
routing them though third party ad-    55% of vehicles deprived                  view of the proactive approach and
ministrators.                          off third-party cover                     high technology adoption of the police
                                                                                 here," Raghavan said.
IRDAI keen to cap insur-               The Insurance Regulatory and Devel-
ers' investment in fin ser-            opment Authority of India (IRDAI) has     The data on uninsured vehicles com-
vices                                  launched an awareness campaign on         piled by the IIB has been matched
                                       third-party motor insurance, jointly      with the transport department's infor-
The Insurance Regulatory and Devel-    with the Cyberabad Police.                mation and the final list has been
opment Authority plans to impose a                                               shared with the police who will initiate
ceiling on insurance companies expo-   Fifty-five per cent of the vehicles ply-  action on the vehicle owners. Spot in-
sure to banks and non-banking finance  ing on the roads in the country does      surance facility will also be offered
companies with a composite - shares,   not have the mandatory third-party        during May 1-15 in kiosks set up by
bonds, deposits - cap of 25% of pre-   motor insurance, said R. Raghavan,        insurance companies in select loca-
mium income reduce systemic risk that  Chief Executive Officer, Insurance In-    tions as part of the initiative.
would amplify loss when the financial  formation Bureau (IIB), an arm of the
sector faces a crisis.                 insurance regulator, at the launch of     Insurers asked to speed
                                       the campaign which involves 'enact-       up grievance redressal
Extension on agents rules              ment, enforcement and enablement'
                                       of motor insurance.                       The Insurance Regulatory and Devel-
The Insurance Regulatory and Devel-                                              opment of Authority of India (IRDAI)
opment Authority of India (IRDAI) has  "India ranks among the top five coun-     had directed the insurers to settle the
                                       tries in the world in the number of       customer grievances in a time-bound

Legislative proposals that would enable an employer to determine whether or not a woman's insurance would cover the cost of birth
  control strikes women as particularly bizarre. Is the boss going to take care of the children that are conceived accidentally? Stop
                                                     treating us like children. Women are grown ups.

40                                     June 2015                                 Life Insurance Today

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