Page 21 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
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that some companies also offer permanent disability Under this model the MFI [Micro-Finance Institution]
benefits. acts as the agent, marketing and selling the product
to its existing clientele through a distribution network
2. Endowment/ Savings/ Pension which has already established for its other financial
Under this category the insurance company offers life services. The insurance provider acts as the partner for
protection, both on survival and death. Pension can providing actuarial, financial, and claims-processing
also be built into the product. Some Insurers offer expertise, and the capital required for initial
accident benefit and permanent disability benefit investments and reserves as required by law. The
during the premium paying term only, or for the full insurer also absorbs the risk. The clients can access an
term. The sum is capped between Rs 30,000 and Rs insurance product which is managed by a professional
50,000. A majority of the insurers offer policies under and it provides better "return on investment" than with
the non-medical scheme. an informal means of insurance.
3. Health In simple this model is based on the collaboration
This scheme covers Disability, hospitalisation loss, etc. between a partner agency (usually a formal insurance
This scheme offers a fixed sum in case of the company) and a dealing agent that provides services
hospitalisation (Pre, during and Post). The details of to low-income clients. The company (the partner)
claim are as follows feeds the financial resources, sets the premiums,
monitors the insurance claims and ensures that legal
Benefits Amount claimed obligations are observed. The agent ensures that the
risks, resources and knowledge are transferred and
Hospitalisation Expenses Rs.150 per day shared rationally between the formal and informal
Consultant Fee up to Rs. 4500 per
hospitalisation 2. The mutualised insurance or community-based
organisations model
Diagnostic Expenses Rs. 4500 per hospitalisation Credit and savings cooperatives often offer borrower's
insurance contracts that cover the balance of a loan
Transportation Expenses Rs. 350 per hospitalisation. to be paid back. Moreover, they offer savings in the
form of life insurance, to stimulate saving habits. Some
4. Property also sell Housing, Funeral, Invalidity and Disease
This policy gives protection against key risks faced by insurance, and even Accident policies, yet more rarely.
low-income households like package cover and crop These products come in addition to mainstream credit
insurance product. This policy also cover loss to and savings services.
livestock due to death, disease and accident dwellings
In the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, many
5. Personal Accident mutualised health insurances have also been created
This scheme is applicable to Low income groups, Kissan on the basis of a voluntary membership. In exchange
Credit card holders, girl child parents and married for the premiums they send to a fund, policyholders are
ladies. This scheme offers Death, Permanent Total entitled to certain benefits.
Disablement, Total and irrecoverable loss of limb or eye
sight. It also offers medical expenses facilities during, 3. Full service model:
pre and post hospitalization. In this model the MFI provides insurance services in
charge of everything. The MFI is taking care of design
Microinsurance Delivery Model and delivery of products to the clients. It also
undertook sales, services and claims assessment. The
One of the greatest challenges for micro insurance is the MFI works with external healthcare providers to
actual delivery to clients. There are four main methods for provide the services. The insurers (MFIs) are wholly
offering micro insurance. Each of these models has its own
advantages and disadvantages.
1. Partner-agent model:
Nobody counts the number of ads you run; they just remember the impression you make.
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