Page 20 - Life Insurance Today June 2015 SAMPLE
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                      M. J. Senthil Kumar Dr. P. Sundara Pandian

              &Associate Professor Principal,

                 Department of Commerce (UG) VHNSN College (Autonomous),
          Sri Kaliswari College (Autonomous), Virudhunagar.


Introduction                                                    challenging. In India social protection being a concurrent
                                                                subject, it has its own political economy. So in the absence
Risk is pervasive in the lives of poor and low-income groups.   of a dependable social protection, the importance of micro
Economic, social, natural, and other factors distort            insurance becomes interminable.
household's risk management capability and their struggle
to come out of poverty. Faced with multiplicity of risks, poor  Micro Insurance
and weaker sections are often forced to deplete their
financial, physical, social and human assets just to cope with  Micro insurance is a means of financial protection that
the contingencies. Micro insurance can play a crucial role      targets low-income communities generally excluded from
as a comprehensive tool to reduce poverty, inequality and       public and private schemes. Protection is provided in
vulnerability, particularly where public social protection      exchange for regular premiums proportionate to the
measures are inadequate and unevenly distributed.               likelihood and severity of the risk involved. The types of
                                                                products offered typically range from health, life, livestock,
Micro insurance is designed for the protection of low-          crop and weather insurance.
income people to cope with common risks, it can also strive     In simple Micro insurance refers to insurance designed to
to cover the excluded such as poor, women and workers in        protect under-served low-income people against specific
informal sector. In many developing countries like India, the   perils in exchange for low premiums.
proportion of informal workforce in total workforce is
substantial and there is increasing tendency towards casual     Motto of Microinsurance
nature of labour.
                                                                The main aim of the Micro insurance is to reduce the
Under this situation, it becomes daunting task on the part      vulnerability that poor households face and as a
of the government to provide social security to all. About      consequence, enable the poor to improve their lives.
90 percent of the working population of India is employed
in the informal sector and about thirty percent of the          Micro Insurance Products
unorganized workers are very poor who need public social
security supports.                                              The insurance companies offer composite covers or
                                                                package products based on the catering needs of the poor.
Although current social protection measures consist of          The main products are as follows.
health, disability, death, old age and economic risks are
prioritized, its funding and implementation remain              1. Protection (Term insurance)
                                                                     This scheme provides accident benefit. In addition to

          In advertising not to be different is virtually suicidal.

16        June 2015                                                  Life Insurance Today

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