Page 25 - Insurance Times July 2024
P. 25

Insurance -


                                                                                             Vazir Ahmed Khan
                                                                                     B.Com, LLM, BJ, AFII, Advocate

           Despite insurance companies housed in gigantic buildings, attractive offices, with active stop, with
           good customer service people are afraid of taking insurance when an insurance agent purchase
           them with high promises of payment of their claims when he insures.

          Why people are afraid of taking Insur-              tamasha which after showing many a feat took a lemon and
                                                              squeezed by his two fingers and extracted the entire juice
          ance                                                then he challenged the spectators to extract even a single
          Despite insurance companies housed in gigantic buildings,  drop but nobody had the courage to come forward, as the
          attractive offices, with active stop, with good customer ser-  strong man left no possibility of further drops lean chap came
          vice people are afraid of taking insurance when an insur-  forward accepting the challenge he took the piece of lemon
          ance agent purchase them with high promises of payment  and pressed it with ease and some more drops fell down.
          of their claims when he insures.                    The galadier bowed down and said "oh great, sir You are
                                                              pehalwan of which place?"  he said in reply " no, no I am an
          My experience of 40 years both in field and administration  income tax officer".
          makes me now to give the following observations.
                                                              In a while another man stepped in and took the lemon fur-
          Here is a small joke to start with why people are afraid of  ther pressed it and a few more drops fell, it was surprising
          insurance. A luminary said "Insurance people are Shylocks  him and put same question about his identity. He simply said
          to scissor the claim". A judge while awarding a claim said  "I am insurance claim settler"
          Insurance people are Lord they can pay any amount of claim
          yet general people are allowed in getting their claim in the  Certainly the insurance man has technique in settling the
          event of claim. In this activity three types of people are  claim to the minimum and that the agent promises of all
          behind this promise one is agent and the other is claim set-  claims after taking insurance , while the claim settler applies
          tler and the third is unscrupulous client who wants more and  the principle of "insurable interest" to reject the claim as the
          more by aggravating the claim.                      claim is payable to the owner or one who has right to the
                                                              insurance. If it is rejected he checks up when insurance is done
          I was talking of a joke. Their was a galadier leading a road  in utmost good faith that is all the facts which were haphaz-

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