Page 30 - Insurance Times July 2024
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mitigate their exposure to risks by investing in Marine  protected against various transportation risks, whether it's
         Insurance. This coverage safeguards their assets and  damage to goods or the unfortunate loss of livestock.
         reinforces their commitment to reliable service.
                                                              ICICI  Lombard's  Marine  Insurance
         Traders: Traders involved in buying and selling goods stand
         to benefit from the protection offered by Marine Insurance.  offerings
         It shields them from potential losses that could arise during  ICICI Lombard has focused its technology capabilities to
         transit, ensuring that their profit margins remain intact.  simplify and streamline process in order to help the
         Custom  House  Agents:  Professionals  who  facilitate  customers and enhance ease of business. We are the
         international trade operations by assisting with customs  industry  first  in  launching  an  SME  digital  website
         clearance and documentation can enhance their service and also the industry pioneer in
         offerings by recommending Marine Insurance to their  positioning itself as the preferred partner for business
         clients.  This  proactive  approach  demonstrates  a  insurance  that  guides  the  customer  on  all  relevant
         commitment to holistic risk management.              information- from choosing the right insurance policy, to
                                                              completing the purchase- all digitally.
         Benefits of Marine Insurance
                                                              ICICI Lombard offer several types of Marine Insurance
         The advantages of opting for a Marine Insurance policy are  coverage options, each tailored to suit different business
         numerous and can significantly impact the operational  requirements and preferences. These include:
         efficiency and financial security of businesses:     1. Marine Single Transit Insurance: This type of coverage
         Global Standard Coverage: When businesses opt for Marine  is ideal for businesses that undertake occasional
         Insurance, they ensure compliance with internationally  shipments. It provides insurance protection for goods
         recognized institute cargo clauses and standards, enabling  during a single transit, ensuring that any damages or
         them to navigate the complexities of global trade with  losses incurred are adequately compensated.
                                                              2. Marine Open Insurance: For businesses involved in
         This is particularly relevant in light of the recent geopolitical  frequent shipments, Marine Open Insurance offers
         tensions in the Red Sea, where attacks on commercial shipping  continuous coverage for multiple transit operations
         by Yemeni Houthi militants have prompted insurers to revise  within a specified time frame. This type of policy
         their risk perception and adjust war SRCC (Strikes, Riots & Civil  provides convenience and flexibility, allowing businesses
         Commotion) risk premiums. While international business,  to focus on their operations without the need for
         particularly marine insurance, is deemed risk-intensive, with  individual policies for each shipment.
         cargo and hull adequately covered, such unforeseen events
         highlight the importance of staying vigilant and adapting  3. Sales Turnover Policy:  A Sales Turnover Policy is
         coverage options to address emerging threats.           designed to cater to businesses with regular shipping
                                                                 activities. It provides coverage based on the turnover
         Diverse Coverage Options: Renowned insurers offer a     of the insured business, ensuring that all shipments are
         variety of coverage options tailored to the unique needs of  protected under a single comprehensive policy.
         businesses. This flexibility allows policyholders to choose the
         level of coverage that aligns with their risk tolerance and  Marine Insurance is a crucial instrument that underpins the
         requirements.                                        smooth  functioning  of  the  global  supply  chain.  Its

         Instant Online Issuance: The digital era has revolutionized  comprehensive coverage options, ease of accessibility, and
         insurance processes, making it possible for business owners  ability to mitigate financial risks make it an indispensable
         to secure Marine Insurance coverage online with immediate  tool  for  businesses  and  individuals  engaged  in  the
         effect. This streamlined process saves time and eliminates  transportation of goods.
         administrative hassles.
                                                              Whether safeguarding against accidents, theft, or natural
         Simplified Application Process: Acquiring Marine Insurance  disasters, Marine Insurance provides the security and
         coverage is a straightforward process that requires basic  confidence necessary to navigate the unpredictable waters
         information. This ensures that businesses can easily obtain  of international trade. As India continues to advance
         the necessary protection without unnecessary hurdles.  technologically, the availability of online Marine Insurance
         Comprehensive Risk Mitigation: With Marine Insurance in  plans further empowers businesses to secure their assets
         place, business owners can rest assured that their goods are  with convenience and efficiency.

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