Page 32 - Insurance Times July 2024
P. 32

The charging infrastructure is still being developed, and the  Regenerative braking system
         stations are not evenly distributed. While more charging
         stations are available in urban areas and places where  Another important component of EVs is the regenerative
         affluent communities live, they are sparse in rural areas and  braking system (RBS), also known as kinetic energy recovery.
         places where low-income communities reside. This could  This system operates when the driver applies the brakes or
         lead to charging anxiety, a feeling of uncertainty regarding  eases off the accelerator. The electric motor operates as a
         charging station availability, and potential overcrowding,  generator to convert the vehicle's kinetic energy into
         resulting in extended wait times. In areas with limited  electric energy, and this energy is sent back to the vehicle's
         charging options, there's a risk of racial segregation and  storage for future use. The challenge with RBS is that a
         discrimination for drivers.                          significant drag occurs when the driver applies the brakes

          Figure 2 Evolution of EVs and Insurance

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