Page 35 - Insurance Times July 2024
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manufactured by a third party instead of an OEM is used  electrolytes enable the battery to work even at temperatures
          and a risk event occurs.                            down to minus twenty degrees Celsius, as opposed to the
                                                              current generation of batteries that work at temperatures
          Finding their own turf                              between zero and forty degrees Celsius.
          The maturity of EVs and an increase in the variety of models
          characterize the second stage. EV components such as  Solid-state batteries with higher energy densities replace the
          batteries become safer, and the charging infrastructure also  liquid electrolytes in a lithium-ion battery with ceramic or
          improves considerably. The dominant design for EVs and their  other solid materials to reduce the fire risk. Lighter batteries
          components emerges. There is an exponential growth in the  with improved thermal stability, faster charging capabilities,
                                                              and a range exceeding 1,000 miles per charge are available.
          market share of EVs, and government incentives are
          gradually reduced. There is an extensive collaboration of  The electric motors become more stable with optimized
                                                              cooling, increased controllability, and reduced installation
          OEMs and regulators, and the standards are created. At this
          stage, EVs are poised to cross the chasm that typically follows  space. Uniformity standards are defined for the charging
          the early adopters in the technology adoption life cycle,  equipment, making them agnostic to the make or model of
          moving towards finding mainstream buyers among the early  the EV. The reduction in vehicular weight also improves the
          majority.                                           vehicle's efficiency.

                                                              These innovations could potentially reduce or completely
          As the vehicular risks are reduced, the insurance premiums
          decline. The flow of EV-specific data increases, and insurers  remove most of the risks enunciated in earlier stages. This
                                                              will considerably reduce the cost of EVs, their risks, and the
          can understand the risks associated with every type of EV
                                                              corresponding insurance premium. The surge in data flow
          and  individual  component.  The  risk  modeling  and
                                                              enables insurers to enhance their risk models with greater
          assessment are done at a granular level. This helps insurers
          design standalone EV-specific policies that are not influenced  precision,  incorporating  real-time  into  usage-based
          by the legacy of ICEVs. This phase is characterized by the  insurance. As  EVs incorporate more advanced driver
          introduction of niche covers such as for battery or motor  assistance systems and artificial intelligence, the interaction
          type, battery swapping, and battery degradation. The  behavior between humans and machines becomes one of
          wealth of available risk data empowers insurers to enhance  the key factors for risk assessment and pricing. As the insurer
          their usage-based insurance offerings. This includes the  and OEM relationships mature, embedded insurance could
          development of novel usage-based insurance solutions that  be extensively leveraged for creating seamless purchase and
                                                              service experiences.
          incorporate EV-specific factors such as battery usage
          patterns, battery degradation information, driver behavior,
          and the driving environment.                        The Road Ahead
                                                              The future of transport is EV, and we are currently in the
          A potential disentanglement of EVs from OEMs could happen  process of transitioning towards it. However, the shift from
          due to their wide proliferation. The inability of OEMs to  fossil fuels will not be easy due to the maturity levels of ICEVs
          expand their service networks to cater to the mass market  and the superior user comfort they provide. EVs are
          or due  to  regulatory  intervention may  result in  the  currently in the nascent stages of change, and the auto
          proliferation of authorized  and  decentralized  repair  insurance industry is beginning to respond to the change.
          networks that follow the guidelines defined by the OEMs.  After finding success with early adopters, the existing
          This will considerably reduce the repair costs and the  technological challenges in EVs could become potential
          associated insurance premiums. This disentanglement may  roadblocks for crossing the chasm and finding mainstream
          also create third-party data aggregators and data platforms  buyers. The changes are dynamic, and hence, insurers will
          for wider market collaboration and insights.        have to closely monitor their progress. They will have to
                                                              work with OEMs, individual component manufacturers,
          Taking flight                                       software providers, and service networks to understand the

          The third stage is characterized by the mass adoption of EVs  nuances and design appropriate basic coverages, additional
          even by the late majority in the technology adoption life cycle  coverages, and endorsements.
          and the emergence of several models. It could be a time in
          the future when many of the current research activities start References
          showing positive results. For example, redesigned battery  Various Sources.

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