Page 38 - Insurance Times July 2024
P. 38

With Generative AI:                                    Data Ingestion and Pre-Processing - The solution can
          Our Underwriting Co-Pilot, with its advanced LLM Models  integrate with various internal and external applications
          meticulously matches and aligns each data point with the  to ingest data about applicant. This step can also
          company's  respective  underwriting  guidelines.  The  include extraction of data from scanned documents,
          application is designed to highlight any parameter that  which an applicant might have submitted for policy
          deviates from the norm and pairs/overlay it with the   approval, and may also include cleaning of data, data
          relevant section of the guideline for a seamless review.  format normalization, etc.
                                                                 Embedding Generation - The textual information from
          Assessing various risk parameters such as profile risk,  the underwriting manuals and policy documents are
          financial risk, geographical risk, Morbidity risk, Political  processed  to  generate  vector  embeddings.  This
          Exposure, etc. the system acts like a well-orchestrated  transformation allows the data to be processed and
          symphony. Furthermore, the LLM models don't just evaluate  understood by machine learning models.
          - it predicts. Recommending the Next Best Action, it
                                                                 Feature Engineering and Model Deployment - Key
          presents a concise risk narrative for each application.
                                                                 attributes relevant to risk assessment are extracted and
                                                                 processed  to  a  format  suitable  for  training  and
          However, even with all this automation, it is designed to  prediction. The pre-trained LLMs can be fine-tuned with
          always respect the Underwriter, who have the option to  insurance domain specific data to improve decision
          reject the recommendations and modify the next steps based  making accuracy.
          on his/her experience and a particular case. Incorporating
          all this feedback the LLM Model continuously learns and  Assessment  and  Recommendation  -  Advanced
          adapts,  and  able  to  provide  more  nuanced         algorithms/ML Models analyses every data point,
          recommendations. It's this collaborative intelligence that  matches with the UW rules and generates risk scores.
          enables the system to evolve.                          The Gen AI model, by collating, all the information,
                                                                 recommends the decision  along  with  a  detailed
          Case in Point:                                         explanation and associated risks.

          Consider an application where there is a substantial   Feedback and Re-training - UWs can provide feedback
          mismatch  between  the  applicant's  income  and  the  on the LLM recommendations and the same is used to
                                                                 refine model output for future cases.
          requested coverage. The module aids underwriter by
          providing the following recommendations:
                                                              The solution also includes components like load balancer
          Decision: Decline the case                          (distribute incoming requests to ensure system reliability and
                                                              availability),  container  orchestration  (to  manage
          Reason for Decision: The applicant's profile presents a high  deployment and scaling of containerized application),
          financial risk due to a significant discrepancy between  database management (MongoDB, PostgreSQL, etc.), API
          annual income and the proposed sum assured
                                                              Gateway  and  so  on.  In  terms  of  Data  Security  and
                                                              Compliance, the solution uses cloud native services to ensure
          Next Steps: Inform the applicant of the decision and the  that all data stored or processed by this solution is in line
          reasons for the rejection and advise to consider applying for
          a lower sum assured that aligns with their financial profile  with the regulations put forward by IRDAI and other
                                                              regulatory authorities in India.
          This solution also provides detailed feedback on all the
                                                              The benefits our solution brings to the table are also very
          parameters and risks it has identified and highlighted, which
          can be reviewed by the Underwriter to check the accuracy  robust and tangible:
          of assessment.                                         Increase in Underwriter Productivity - With this
                                                                 technology, UW can process much more applications in
                                                                 lesser time
          How does this work?
                                                                 Consistency in Decision making - The application
          The Underwriter Co-Pilot is a cloud-based solution, which is
          designed to be cloud-agnostic and can work with multiple  provides standardized evaluations, ensuring decisions
          proprietary and open-source LLMs available in the market.  are based on uniform criteria
          The key components involved in this solution are:      Improved Accuracy - The ability to process vast

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