Page 41 - Insurance Times July 2024
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challenging to predict and quantify because they can
             result from events that are difficult to anticipate. Unlike
             direct physical damage events, which have clear and
             objective indicators, the indicators of indirect non-
             physical damages are subjective and thus difficult to
             assess in terms of extent and duration of interruptions.
             For creating coverage, both companies and insurers
             must have a deep understanding of revenue streams,
             cost  structures,  operational  dependencies,  and
             potential risk sources to evaluate the financial losses
             they could face from NDBI. They need to assess the
             impact of business interruption on revenue loss and the
             additional expenses required to restore operations to
             design appropriate coverage. Even when the business  various  risks,  including  natural  disasters,  fires,
             interruption is caused by a known peril, each industry  equipment  failures,  cyberattacks,  supply  chain
             and  company  may  be  impacted  differently,       disruptions, and pandemics. It is crucial to recognize
             necessitating insurers to employ sophisticated risk  that each of these risks can be influenced by multiple
             assessment techniques and data analytics.           perils, either individually or in combination. While it may
         2. Dynamic and evolving: NDBI risks are constantly      be beneficial to the businesses to include coverage for
             evolving and to cover them insurers must continually  all  these  perils  in  an  NDBI  policy  to  ensure
             update their risk models, adapt their underwriting  comprehensive protection, doing so could lead to
             criteria, and revise their coverage offerings. Risk  higher premiums that could make it unaffordable
             triggers such as governmental and regulatory actions  or  economically  infeasible  for  businesses.
             can be challenging to model accurately. The changing  Therefore, insurers and businesses must carefully
             risk exposures of businesses present a significant  evaluate and prioritize the most significant and likely
             challenge for insurers to remain agile and adept in  risks to determine appropriate coverage levels that
             managing the latest risks. Any delay in responding to  strike a balance between protection and affordability.
             the  evolving  nature  of  NDBI  risks  could  lead  to  5. Complex policy wording and coverage determination:
             underestimation of the impact, potentially resulting in  Standard insurance policies often have limitations or
             severe  consequences  for  both  insurers  and      exclusions that restrict coverage for NDBI events, such
             policyholders. Therefore, it is crucial for insurers to stay  as cyberattacks or pandemics. Defining the scope of
             proactive and responsive to the dynamic landscape of  coverage and policy terms for NDBI requires careful
             NDBI risks to ensure effective risk management and  analysis of a company's unique risk exposures and
             coverage provision.
                                                                 coverage needs. Insurers must meticulously draft policy
         3. Lack of historical data: Insurers traditionally depend  wording to ensure that coverage adequately addresses
             heavily on historical loss data to establish risk coverage.  the specific needs and exposures of policyholders.
             While some NDBI risks have existed for years, they did  Drafting clear and accurate policy wording presents a
             not receive adequate market attention until recently.  challenge, as the complexity related to NDBI could give
             With growing demand, technological advancements,    rise to silent risks when policy inclusions or exclusions
             and the capacity to develop coverage, there is now  are not clearly described. For instance, a business
             renewed interest in NDBI coverage within the market.  interruption event could be caused by a secondary event
             However, the availability of limited data poses a   that is not excluded in the policy wording, occurring
             challenge for insurance companies to accurately model,  sequentially to a  primary event that is  explicitly
             assess, and price the risk associated with these types  mentioned  thus  resulting  in  legal  disputes.
             of losses. This scarcity of data makes it difficult to fully  Furthermore, the legal and regulatory landscape
             understand the potential impacts and adequately     surrounding NDBI coverage is still evolving, adding
             mitigate NDBI risks.                                another  layer  of  complexity  for  insurers  and
         4. Higher cost of insurance: NDBI can be triggered by   policyholders alike.

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