Page 43 - Insurance Times July 2024
P. 43

Airport closures due to fog or volcanic eruptions.  Road Ahead
             Drop in business transaction volume, footfall, hotel  Awareness and interest in coverage for NDBI risks have
             occupancy levels, or loss of income for gig workers  increased following the Covid-19 outbreak. Looking ahead,
             following a terror attack, such as a shooting in a specific  NDBI is poised to become a significant area of insurance
                                                              activity. While businesses are demanding comprehensive all-
                                                              risk coverage for NDBI, including all perils and causes,
             Disruptions in the supply chain, including shipment  insurers are still in the early stages of experimentation. Due
             delays, and protection for gig workers and builders  to the novelty and innovation involved, the initial coverage
             experiencing loss of income after a natural catastrophe.  developed by insurers is not comprehensive but rather
                                                              focused on specific perils with low limits.
             Social or political unrest and consequent government
             actions resulting in denial of access to property.  As the new-age NDBI policies are tailored to individual
                                                              needs, the effectiveness of data sources, parameters, and
             Loss of business for water-based theme parks due to
                                                              policy wordings remains relatively untested. The true test
             droughts and water shortages.
                                                              of their efficacy will come when claims arise, particularly in
             Loss of attraction for the tourism industry during  large numbers. As parametric policies are still in the initial
             heatwaves or no snowfall periods.                stages, premiums for these tailored contracts may be
                                                              relatively  higher,  where  the  perceived  benefits  are
             Shortage in renewable electricity output due to lack of  outweighed by the premiums. However, as insurers gather
             sunlight, wind source volatility, or water shortages.  more data on these niche risks, they will be better equipped

             Transport disruptions that are caused by port blockages  to accurately quantify exposures, refine parametric triggers,
             or lower river levels.                           and reduce premiums.

             Technological disruptions such as cloud downtime,  Given that providing indemnity-based insurance solutions for
             internet disruption, or downtime of third-party IT  many NDBI exposures may be financially unfeasible, we can
             service providers.                               expect to see more parametric solutions emerging in this
                                                              space. The current parametric structures for NDBI are

         The innovation of parametric insurance for NDBI losses has  designed with single parametric triggers, however as the
                                                              product landscape expands, coverage may evolve to include
         only just begun. These early products have seen limited
                                                              multiple triggers, stepped payouts and hybrid models that
         success and have yet to achieve widespread adoption.
                                                              combine elements of both indemnity-based and pure-
         However, it can be stated  with  certainty that  in the  parametric solutions.
         dynamically evolving business and risk landscape, NDBI risks
         are likely to find an ideal solution in parametric insurance Reference
         contracts.                                           Various sources.


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