Page 47 - Insurance Times July 2024
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intermediaries  and  employees  on  products,  Chapter V: Specific Lines of Business
                 regulations, and service timelines.
                                                              1. Motor Insurance:
                 Insurers must implement end-to-end technology
                                                                     Coverage  under  Motor  Third  Party  Liability
                 solutions  to  ensure  seamless  policyholder
                 onboarding,  policy servicing, renewal, claim       insurance must comply with the Motor Vehicles Act
                 settlement, and grievance redressal.
                                                                     Premium rates for Motor Third Party Liability
          Chapter III: Product Management                            insurance continue to be regulated by the Act.

                                                                     Settlement of Total Loss/Constructive Total Loss
          1. Product Development:
                                                                     claims must be determined by criteria set by the
                 Products should be need-based, avoiding unnecessary
                                                                     PMC and published on the insurer's website.
                 coverages while ensuring affordability and suitability.
                 The terms and conditions must be fair, reasonable,  2. Surety Insurance:
                 and compliant with various laws and regulations.    Surety Insurance contracts must not cover Financial
                                                                     Guarantees or be issued for assets/commitments
          2. Product Approval Process:
                                                                     outside India.
                 The Product Management Committee (PMC) is
                 responsible for ensuring compliance with the legal  3. Trade Credit Insurance:
                 and regulatory framework.                           Protects businesses against non-payment for goods
                                                                     and services, typically covering a portfolio of
                 Insurers must submit a certificate signed by the CEO
                 in the standard format as given in the Master
                 Circular on Submission of returns.
                                                              Insurance Surveyors
                 Retail Products' documentation must be uploaded
                 on the insurer's website before launch or within  1. Role and Responsibilities:
                 seven days of UIN allotment.                        Surveyors  are  responsible  for  impartial  and

                                                                     accurate evaluation of claims exceeding Rs 50,000
          Chapter IV: General Guidelines - All Lines                 for motor  insurance  and Rs 1  lakh  for  other
          of Business                                                insurance.
                                                              2. Performance Monitoring:
          1. Risk Classification:
                 General Insurers must ensure that all risk-level    Insurers must have Board approved criteria for
                                                                     monitoring the performance of surveyors, ensuring
                 information is organized to be collated/aggregated
                                                                     timely and accurate survey reports.
                 by specific  criteria, including Retail  Product,
                 Commercial Product, Group Business, etc.     3. Allocation of Survey Jobs:
          2. Acceptance of Risk:                                     A tech-based approach must be used for random
                 Underwriting evaluations must be guided by the      and unbiased allocation of survey jobs to surveyors,
                 Board-approved  underwriting  and  risk             ensuring transparency and efficiency.
                 management policy, consistent with reinsurance  4. Reporting Requirements:
                 treaties.                                           Surveyors must submit their reports within fifteen
          3. Policy Duration:                                        days of allocation, with insurers deciding claims
                 General Insurance policies may be issued on an      within seven days of receiving the report.
                 annual, long-term, or short-term basis.
          4. Annual Performance Review:                       This detailed summary covers the essential points, facts,
                 The Product Management Committee must put in  figures, and data provided in the Master Circular on General
                 place a program for annual performance review of  Insurance Business, ensuring comprehensive understanding
                 every Product and Line of Business, approved by the  and compliance for all stakeholders in the general insurance
                 Board.                                       industry.

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