Page 50 - Insurance Times July 2024
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treatments hospitals are adopting. "Health outcomes are  While the master circular urges insurers to offer a wide
         improved by including coverage for procedures such as  variety of policies, customers on their part must make
         robotic  surgeries, oral  chemotherapy,  and  stem  cell  appropriate choices. "Consider your family conditions and
         therapy,"  says  Rakesh  Jain,  CEO,  Reliance  General  choose insurance features such as OPD (out-patient
         Insurance.                                           department) coverage, maternity benefits (if planning for a
                                                              family), global coverage for frequent travellers, and modern
         While many policies cover high-tech treatment, some have  treatment coverage," says Jain.
         sub-limits for them. Jain says customers should review their
         policy carefully and remain informed about the specifics of  Utilise the enhancement in free-look period from 15 to 30
         the coverage offered by it. If your policy does not fully cover  days. "Read the policy document thoroughly, focusing on
         such treatments, consider porting.                   terms and conditions, exclusion, waiting periods, and
                                                              coverage limits to ensure the policy meets your needs," says
         Points customers must pay heed to                    Yadav.

         While the master circular sets many laudable goals, like
         making policies more inclusive, customers need to watch out  Goel suggests not buying policies from insurers who do not
         for a new things. For many-senior citizens, those with pre-  offer no-claim bonuses as these bonuses are useful in
         existing diseases (PEDs), etc. - while policies may be  combating medical inflation.
         available, they may be expensive. Purchase health insurance  "Avoid plans with sub-limits related to modern treatments,
         at an early age, before you incur a disease, as this makes
                                                              room categories, or diseases," says Singhal. (Business
         access to health insurance difficult and raises the premium
                                                                                         PRESS RELEASE

           Royal Sundaram General Insurance integrates with India's largest

            ticketing site, IRCTC, through the INSILLION Insurtech platform to

                                         issue 500k polices per day

           INSILLION, a leading Insurtech SaaS platform, has announced a significant partnership that will transform the way
           travel insurance is delivered. Royal Sundaram General Insurance (RSGI), a prominent Property & Casualty insurer
           based in India, has integrated with the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) to enable embedded
           Group Personal Accident (GPA) policies to be offered alongside e-ticket purchases through INSILLION's API platform.
           IRCTC is a public sector enterprise under the Ministry of Railways in India and operates one of the largest travel
           websites in the Asia-Pacific region. It has over 12 million unique visitors per month, making it one of India's most
           visited websites. In a notable achievement, during a high-traffic day, RSGI has issued 6,40,000 policies covering over
           1.4 million passengers, with a peak hourly rate of 30 policies per second during the Tatkal rush period.

           To meet the stringent requirements of a highly scalable solution, RSGI partnered with INSILLION to rapidly launch an
           embedded insurance offering leveraging their API platform and cloud architecture.
           Sai Lakshmidar, Chief Product Officer at INSILLION, highlighted the technical complexity, stating, "To deliver a seam-
           less user experience, the underlying technology architecture must be robust. Scaling to meet extreme demand was
           the crucial challenge that required rethinking our entire approach. Enabling this integration with RSGI was an invalu-
           able learning experience in optimising for high-availability through Amazon Web Services Cloud to embed fixed-ben-
           efit products."
           Dheepak Rajoo, Chief Information Officer at RSGI, summed it up perfectly. He said, "Our collaboration with INSILLION
           allowed us to successfully implement a highly scalable solution with minimal investment, empowering us to capitalise
           on the embedded insurance opportunity through the IRCTC portal."

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