Page 55 - Insurance Times July 2024
P. 55

Insurance Caselaws

         The Supreme Court orders the insurer to              Here, the driver had left the car unattended on a public
                                                              road with the key in the ignition, according to the insurer,
         award  75%  of  the  claim  in  a  vehicle           which rejected the claim.
         theft case, holding that the breach of               The Court decided that, although a certain amount of
         condition must be fundamental in order               negligence, there was not a serious enough violation of the
         to deny the claim altogether.Supreme                 terms to completely reject the insurance claim. As a result,
                                                              an award of up to 75% must be given on an irregular basis.
         Court:  If  Ship  Is  Sent  To  Sea  in  An
                                                              An appeal against the NCDRC judgment, which overturned
         Unworthy State, Insurance Company Is                 the findings of the state commission and district forum

         Not  liable For  Any Losses  Caused By               ordering New India Assurance Co. Ltd. (respondent) to
                                                              indemnify the claimant to the extent of 75% of the sum
         Unseaworthiness.                                     assured-$8,40,000-was being heard by the Supreme Court
                                                              bench, which is made up of Justices J.K. Maheshwari and
         Case title: Ashok Kumar v. New India Assurance
                                                              KV Vishwanathan. From 2008 to 2009, the appellant was
         Co. Ltd.                                             the owner of a truck covered by a legitimate insurance
                                                              policy for Rs. 8,40,000. The appellant's automobile was taken
                                                              on June 26, 2008. He informed the respondent about the
         The Supreme Court ruled in a car theft case that any policy  theft and filed a FIR.
         condition violation should be considered a fundamental
         breach, resulting in the claimant's insurance coverage being  He filed a complaint with the district forum in 2009, nearly
         denied. The insurer rejected the claim due to the driver  a year later, citing a failure in service and the respondent's
         leaving the car unattended on a public road with the key in  delay  in settling  the  claim.  Due  to  the  delay  in the
         the ignition. The court decided that, although a certain  proceedings, this complaint was inadvertently withdrawn,
         amount of negligence was present, there was not a serious  and a new one was filed. The respondent asserted that the
         enough violation of the terms to completely reject the  policy's terms and conditions were broken and that it was
         insurance claim. As a result, an award of up to 75% must  prohibited by statute. Overriding the objections, the district
         be given on an irregular basis. The Supreme Court is  forum  awarded  75%  of  the  pledged  cash  on  an
         currently hearing an appeal against the NCDRC judgment,  unconventional basis.
         which overturned the findings of the state commission and  The respondent filed an appeal with the state commission,
         district forum ordering New India Assurance Co. Ltd. to  claiming that they were notified of the theft six days
         indemnify the claimant to the extent of 75% of the sum  following the incident, in violation of the policy's first
         assured-$8,40,000.                                   requirement.
         About the case                                       The appellant filed the first complaint the following day and
         The Supreme Court ruled in a car theft case that any policy  notified the respondent as well, according to the state
         condition violation should be considered a fundamental  commission, which noted that there was no delay. Regarding
         breach that results in the claimant's insurance coverage  the fifth condition, the commission cited Amalendu Sahoo
         being denied.                                        v. Oriental Insurance Company Limited (2010) and National

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