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Insurance Company Limited v. Nitin Khandelwal (2008) to  Gurgaon that left the vehicle irreparably damaged. The
          conclude that, even in the event of a breach of that clause,  owner obtained two forms of protection: the BMW Secure
          the claim could not have been completely rejected and that,  Advance Policy (the BMW Secure) and a vehicle insurance
          at most, 75% of the claim would be admissible.      policy from the insurer, Bajaj General Insurance Company
          The appellant brought up Gurshinder Singh v. Shriram  Ltd. The court found that the insurer's responsibility would
          General Insurance Co. Ltd., 2021, which the Supreme Court  not exceed the vehicle's IDV less the wreck, which the court
                                                              determined to be worth the entire cost of the vehicle. The
          cited. The ruling stated that "mere tardiness in notifying the
          insurance company about the theft cannot be a ground to  court ordered the insurance to reimburse the owner for the
          deny the claim of the insured when an insured has lodged  difference of Rs. 3,74,012/. The appeals were partially
                                                              granted, and the State Commission's directive to replace the
          the FIR immediately after the theft of a vehicle occurred
          and when the police after investigation have lodged a final  car  was  replaced  with  one  to  provide  monetary
          report after the vehicle was not traced and when the  compensation.
          surveyors/investigators appointed by the insurance company  About the case
          have found the theft to be genuine."
                                                              On  onday,  November  20,  2023,  the  Supreme  Court
          The court reaffirmed that in order to deny the claimant any  reaffirmed that an insured person is limited to making claims
          compensation, any infringement of the requirement must  that are covered by their insurance policy. The Court further
          constitute a fundamental breach. The respondent had  stated that a policy's provisions, which establish the
          acknowledged that theft did occur, the judge observed.  insurance company's liability, must be carefully studied. A
                                                              bench of Justice Abhay S. Oka and Justice Rajesh Bindal
          "The Insurance Company does not claim that the claimant
                                                              noted that an insurance contract is bilateral and mutually
          approved or assisted in the removal of the vehicle, in which
                                                              agreed upon, like any other commercial contract, so the rule
          case that would not be considered theft in legal terms," the  of contra proferentem would not apply to a commercial
          statement reads. The Court decided that, although a
                                                              contract like an insurance contract. This was in reference
          certain amount of negligence, there was not a serious  to the recent ruling in National Insurance Company Ltd. v.
          enough violation of the terms to completely reject the  Chief Electoral Officer.The case facts state that the owner
          insurance claim. As a result, an award of up to 75% must  of a BMW had an accident in Gurgaon that left the vehicle
          be given on an irregular basis. The court determined that if  irreparably damaged. He had obtained two forms of
          there is a contributory factor, the insurance company can  protection: the BMW Secure Advance Policy (the BMW
          only deduct the appropriate amount from the total and  Secure) and a vehicle insurance policy from the insurer, Bajaj
          cannot be entitled to more, based on the rulings of Nitin  General Insurance Company Ltd.
          Khandelwal and Amalendu.
                                                              According to the owner's interpretation of the two policies
          BMW Vehicle Damage: Supreme Court                   taken together, the insured is entitled to a replacement car
          Denies Replacement Claim, Says Insured              if the vehicle sustains damage exceeding 75% of its insured
                                                              declared value (IDV). After the owner took the BMW 3 Series
          Is Limited to Insurance Policy Coverage.            320D to the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
                                                              in Delhi, the commission ordered BMW and the insurer to
          Case  Title: Bajaj Allianz  General Insurance       compensate the owner for the whole loss of the vehicle by
          Co.Ltd.  V.  Mukul  Aggarwal,  CIVIL  APPEAL        exchanging it for a brand-new vehicle of the same type. After
          NO.1544 OF 2023                                     that, the insurer and BMW went to the NCDRC, which denied
                                                              their appeals. They then made their way to the Supreme
          Summary                                             Court.According to the Court's interpretation of the BMW
          The Supreme Court reaffirmed that an insured person is  policy, there was no explicit clause providing for the
          limited to making claims covered by their insurance policy.  replacement of a car in the event of a complete loss,
          The court noted that an insurance contract is bilateral and  constructive total loss, or vehicle theft. The Court further
          mutually agreed upon, so the rule of contra proferentem  concluded that when it is proven that the insurer under the
          would not apply to a commercial contract like an insurance  motor insurance policy has accepted the scenario of whole
          contract. In National Insurance Company Ltd. v. Chief  loss or constructive total loss of the car, BMW may be held
          Electoral Officer, the owner of a BMW had an accident in  liable under the terms of BMW Secure.

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