Page 57 - Insurance Times July 2024
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          IRDAI Corner

         Master Circular on IRDAI (Insurance Prod-            loss of lives, property (homes and businesses) and infrastruc-
                                                              ture. The Sector Regulator IRDAI issued instructions to all
         ucts) Regulations 2024 - General Insur-              Insurers including Life and Standalone Health Insurance
         ance                                                 Companies to mobilise all resources to ensure immediate
                                                              service response including engaging the services of Survey-
                                        Date: 11th June, 2024
                                                              ors, Loss Adjustors and Investigators for quick settlement of
         A. This Master Circular is issued under Section 14 (2) (i) of  claims arising out of the havoc created by the Cyclone and
             the IRDA Act 1999 and Section 34 of the Insurance Act,  subsequent heavy rains causing floods.
             1938 and Regulation 7 of IRDAI (Insurance Products)  The insurers have been advised to communicate the nomi-
             Regulations 2024.                                nation of a Senior Executive to the Chief Secretary immedi-
         B. The Master Circular shall be reviewed every year un-  ately. Districts reporting large numbers of claims to over-
             less review or repeal is warranted earlier.      see by a designated District Claims Service Head. The insur-
                                                              ers to give wide publicity on the contact details of these
         C. The Returns referred to under this circular shall be sub-  officers in their websites and also in the media.
             mitted as per the provisions herein and the Master Cir-
             cular on submission of returns.                  Insurers are advised to respond/assist the claimants through
                                                              their 24x7 helplines, special claims desks at district level with
         D. All words and explanations used herein and not defined  delegated Claims Settlement Authorities for speedy process-
             in this Master Circular but defined in the Insurance Act,  ing and settlement of claims. Insurers have been advised to
             1938 (4 of 1938) or Insurance Regulatory and Develop-  settle claim payments/on account payments at the earliest
             ment Authority Act, 1999 (41 of 1999) or Rules or Regu-  and also encourage policyholders to use electronic commu-
             lations made thereunder shall have the meanings re-  nication wherever possible for correspondence.
             spectively assigned to them in those Acts or Rules or
                                                              Master Circular on Reinsurance, 2024
         E. In Order to remove any doubts or difficulties that may
             arise in the application or interpretation or any of the                        Date: 31st May, 2024
             provisions of this Master Circular, the Competent Au-
             thority may issue appropriate clarifications, as and when  The Authority has notified Insurance Regulatory and Devel-
             deemed necessary.                                opment Authority of India (Registration and Operations of
         This has approval of the Competent Authority.        Foreign Reinsurers Branches and Lloyd’s India) Regulations,
                                                              2024 and IRDAI (Reinsurance) Regulations, 2018, with the
         IRDAI  advised  Insurance  Companies  to             objective of strengthening and harmonizing the regulatory
                                                              framework for reinsurance operations. In exercise of the
         settle Cyclone Remal Claims on Fast Track            powers conferred by Section 14 of the IRDA Act,1999, sec-

                                        Date: 04th June, 2024  tion 34 of the Insurance Act, 1938 and Regulation 33 of
                                                              IRDAI (Registration and Operations of Foreign Reinsurers
         The Cyclone Remal in various states have caused widespread  Branches and Lloyd’s India) Regulations, 2024 and Regula-

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