Page 53 - Insurance Times July 2024
P. 53


                                                 New Product Launches

         Narayana Health Insurance launches its               efficient experience, so the coverage is primarily within the
                                                              trusted Narayana Health network, where experienced
         first insurance product 'Aditi'                      doctors  and advanced facilities wait. This minimises
         Narayana Health Insurance (NHIL), a new venture by   administrative hurdles. In other countries, what we offer is
         Narayana Health, on Monday (July 1) announced the launch  called managed care rather than insurance," he added.
         of its first health insurance product, 'ADITI.'
         In India, there is a need for 70 million surgeries, but only 20 Kotak  Life  Insurance  launches  Kotak
         million are being performed as people do not have the means  Gen2Gen Protect
         to undergo even bellwether procedures (caesarean delivery,
                                                              Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Company has introduced an
         laparotomy and treatment of open fracture), said Dr Devi
         Shetty, chairman of Narayana Health.                 innovative  protection plan, Kotak Gen2Gen Protect,
                                                              designed to cover two generations within a single policy. This
         To bridge the gap, Narayana Health has introduced its first  new  plan  offers  an  industry-first  feature,  allowing
         health insurance product, 'Aditi' on July 1.         policyholders to pass on their coverage to their children, thus

         Launching the product, Dr Shetty hoped that in near future,  creating a legacy of protection.
         India will usher in a strategic shift where quality health care  Key features of Kotak Gen2Gen Protect
         will not only mean strengthening infrastructure and access
         to malaria, TB and HIV but also surgical procedures.    Guaranteed Return of Premium: The plan guarantees
                                                                 a 100% return of premium benefit upon survival.
         Aditi, being introduced as a pilot project in Mysuru, Mandya
         and Chamraj Nagar, is expected to be launched in Bengaluru  Generational Coverage: The policy allows the complete
         as well in a couple of weeks.                           risk cover to be transferred to the policyholder's child
                                                                 when the primary insured parent reaches the age of
         "We are going to see how this pans out, before taking it  60 or 65. This coverage then continues for the child until
         across India. Aditi is the basic, entry level plan, the first of  they turn 60.
         the three plans we will introduce soon. Aditi's premium is
         set at Rs 10,000 a year and will cover a family of four where  Comprehensive Protection: Kotak Gen2Gen Protect
         the eldest is 45 years old," said Viren Prasad Shetty, vice-  includes built-in wellness benefits and optional riders
         chairman of Narayana Hrudayalaya Ltd.                   such as Accidental Death Benefit, Permanent Disability
                                                                 Benefit, and Critical Illness Plus.
         According to Ravi Viswanath, director of Narayana Health
         Insurance Ltd, the premium will vary if there are existing  Additional Benefits for Women: Female policyholders
         co-morbidities and if the patients are older.           receive an extra 5% death benefit.
                                                              Mahesh Balasubramanian, Managing Director of Kotak
         "The insured are covered to the extent of Rs 5 lakh in
         treatment and Rs 1 crore in surgeries. Traditional insurance  Mahindra Life Insurance Company Limited, highlighted the
         companies charge anywhere between Rs 20,000 and Rs   cultural significance of the new product. He stated, "As an
         48,000 for the same," added Viswanath.               organization, our unwavering dedication is to innovate and
                                                              curate products that exceed our customers' expectations.
         The idea is to offer health insurance to everybody, added  Kotak Gen2Gen Protect is a product through which our
         Dr Shetty. "We are not going to say no to anyone who wants  customers can secure two generations with a single term
         insurance, irrespective of their medical conditions," he said.
                                                              plan. The essence of this product comes from the importance
         Aditi will initially be restricted to only in Narayana Health when  we Indians place on family, tradition, and legacy. Passing on
         it comes to elective procedures, but the insured can avail it  values, knowledge, and teachings to the next generation is
         anywhere for emergency treatment, said Viren Prasad.  deeply ingrained in our Indian culture. Here is a product that
         "Unlike traditional plans, Aditi prioritises a smooth and  understands the essence of these values."

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