Page 46 - Insurance Times July 2024
P. 46

Master Circular on General Insurance


         Background:                                                 covering assets, risks, properties, liabilities, etc., for
                                                                     individuals, farmers, MSMEs, and other retail
         The issuance of IRDAI (Insurance Product) Regulations, 2024
         and the de-notification of erstwhile tariffs, general terms  segments.
         and conditions; policy and endorsement wordings provide a   Products must be easy to understand, in simple
         unique opportunity to develop simplified and easy-to-       language, and offer flexibility for customization.
         understand insurance products tailored to meet individual   Documentation should ensure that no claim is
         needs of the customers, providing them with ample choices   rejected for want of documents that should have
         and enhancing their insurance experience.                   been collected at the time of underwriting.

                                                              2. Customer Information Sheet (CIS):
         Scope and Applicability:
                                                                     Every retail customer must receive a CIS with each
         1. This Master Circular comes into force immediately.       policy, explaining in simple words the basic features
         2. It replaces all earlier Guidelines/Circulars related to  of a policy.
             General Insurance Products listed in Annexure C.        CIS should include information on coverage, add-
         3. This  Master  Circular  provides  guidance  on  the      ons, exclusions, claim procedures, policy servicing,
             operational aspects relating to general insurance       and grievance redressal mechanisms.
             products subsequent to the notification of IRDAI
                                                              3. Claims and Grievance Redressal:
             (Insurance Products) Regulations 2024.
                                                                     Insurers must inform retail customers about the
         4. It applies to every existing general insurance product,  timelines for claim settlement.
             every add-on cover, and the general insurance coverage
                                                                     The appointment of surveyors must happen within
             section within a Package Product but not to health
                                                                     24 hours of a claim report.
             insurance products within a package product.
                                                                     Claims must be decided within seven days of
         5. Insurers can offer new, innovative, and customized
                                                                     receipt of the survey report.
             products under the new product regulations to existing
             customers.                                              Insurers are liable to a penalty for delays in claim
                                                                     settlement beyond the stipulated timelines.
         6. All Circulars/Guidelines issued in furtherance of any
             judicial order shall continue to be effective unless
             specifically modified or repealed.               Chapter II: Insurers - General Principles
                                                              1. Board Approved Policies and Procedures:
         Chapter I: General Information  for a
                                                                     Insurers must have Board Approved Underwriting
         Retail Policy Holder/Customer                               Policies, claims and policy servicing manuals, and
                                                                     standard operating procedures.
         1. Product Availability:
                 Insurers must make available products/add-ons that  2. Training and Technology Enablement:
                 provide  wider choice to retail policyholders,      Periodical  training  must  be  provided  to

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