Page 42 - Insurance Times July 2024
P. 42

Until recently, traditional indemnity-based insurance  of difficult-to-insure exposures. Unlike traditional policies
          contracts have  been  predominant  in the  protection  that pay claims based on the damage, parametric policies
          landscape. These contracts compensate policyholders for  pay claims based on objective triggers. Parametric insurance
          actual financial losses incurred due to covered events or  contracts pay out a predetermined amount of money upon
          risks. NDBI coverage has been offered by insurers either as  the occurrence of a predefined event, as measured by a
          standalone policies or as add-ons to existing BI or property  predefined index or parameter. This provides policyholders
          insurance policies. Insurers have provided coverage for  with quicker access to funds in the event of a covered loss.
          specific NDBI risks with lower limits, selectively based on the  This rapid response can be crucial for businesses facing
          type of peril, industry, and company. In some instances, NDBI  NDBI-related disruptions, allowing them  to mitigate
          coverage is included as sub-limited coverage within broader  financial losses and expedite recovery efforts However, the
          BI policies.                                        biggest challenge in creating parametric contracts lies in
                                                              identifying the risk, defining appropriate predictor variables,
          However, the claims settlement process in traditional  and establishing effective ways of monitoring it.
          indemnity-based policies can be complex and lengthy, which
          may  not  be  ideal  for  addressing  the  urgent  cash  With the advent of new age technologies enabling the
          requirements associated with NDBI losses. The challenges  sourcing of granular, reliable, real-time data and the
                                                              processing of this data for deriving risk insights, the
          associated with managing NDBI risks through indemnity-
          based insurance have led to many of these risks being  landscape of protection is undergoing transformative
          considered uninsurable, resulting in significant insurance  evolution. Advancements in big data, internet-of-things-
                                                              enabled connected devices, satellite data, geographic
          gaps. In recent years, parametric insurance has emerged
          as a suitable alternative for providing coverage for difficult-  information systems, artificial intelligence, and machine
          to-manage risks such as NDBI.                       learning are providing insurers with a new perspective on
                                                              risk management. The availability of real-time risk data and
                                                              the ability to derive intelligence from it allow insurers to
          Emerging Parametric Solutions
                                                              create parametric contracts tailored to specific industries
          So  far,  the insurance  industry  has  approached  NDBI  and companies, considering their unique business models.
          exposures in an extremely selective manner. Given the  This capability is now extending to risk areas where
          complexity and uniqueness of NDBI risks, there are no one-  traditional indemnity-based insurance struggled to provide
          size-fits-all solutions available. Providing coverage tailored  coverage. Using these technologies, insurers can define a
          to each peril, industry, and company requires a different  wide range of parameters or indices for different risks and
          approach to risk identification and assessment. As a result,  perils, which can serve as parametric triggers. This approach
          NDBI policies are typically more customized than other  enables insurers to offer more flexible and tailored coverage
          insurance products. To create coverage for NDBI risks,  options that better align with the evolving needs of
          insurers and companies must first understand the types of  businesses and industries.
          non-physical losses the business is vulnerable to and their
          impact on cash flow and revenue.                    The advantage of parametric solutions lies in their ability to
                                                              offer insurers the flexibility to design bespoke risk transfer
          Following this understanding, they need to assess whether  solutions for niche areas. Given that NDBI risks involve
          these risks are insurable and, if so, at what cost. Therefore,  unknowns, uniqueness, and novelty that insurers must
          it is unlikely for businesses to find off-the-shelf solutions that  contend with when defining coverage, parametric contracts
          perfectly fit their needs when it comes to NDBI coverage.  help insurers manage their risk exposure by limiting the
          Instead, a collaborative approach between insurers and  coverage amount. This makes parametric products an
          businesses is necessary to tailor coverage to specific risk  effective instrument for expanding the limits of insurability
          exposures and ensure adequate protection against NDBI  with respect to NDBI cover.
                                                              Over the last few years, innovative parametric solutions have
          Given the challenges in creating traditional insurance  emerged in the market, addressing the gaps in protecting
          products for NDBI, parametric or index-based insurance is  earnings and cash flow. Here are some scenarios where
          emerging as an efficient option to enhance the insurability  innovative coverage is provided for NDBI.

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